
How can brians attitude impact len


Case Study I

Len and Marie had been receiving home care support for several years. Four months ago Marie had a stroke and passed away a few weeks later. The two weeks before she died were very traumatic for her husband Len who decided to have Marie remain in their home with additional personal care and palliative care support.

Len was distraught. He had lost his soul-mate and partner of 40 years. The HACC carers were most mindful of Len's situation. They would listen while he talked about Marie and their life together and would they also reflect on the times their cared for her.

One carer brought Len information on grief counselling, which he accepted. Other carers would put their arms around his shoulder and sit with him as he sat crying about his wife.

Brian has just been allocated to Len's care. He's been advised of Len's situation, but is indifferent to the impact that Marie's passing has had on Len, stating that she's better off not around if she was so incapacitated after the stroke.

Brian feels it is best not to dwell in the past and whenever Len talks about Marie, he tells Len to be grateful for all he has and focus on the positive, then changes the subject.


i. How can Brian's attitude impact Len? Provide examples.

ii. How can Brian's attitude impact on the support other carers and services are providing Len?

Case Study II

You are working as a home care worker and you have a new client allocated to you Bob Robertson. You receive the following handover about Bob from your supervisor before meeting Bob for the first time.

Bob is a 68 year old male, who lives alone and was never married. He has a diagnosis of Obesity (his current weight is 194kg), NIDDM, Depression, Anxiety and CCF.

Due to Bob's obesity he is unable to walk more than 10 metres without becoming short of breath and he uses a scooter when he goes out to appointments and to get to and from the local shops. Bob has a history of anxiety and depression and he often requests the carers to do everything for him and complains he can't do anything for himself.

Bob's care package includes a carer to assist with him with personal hygiene three mornings a week and to take him to do his grocery shopping each Wednesday afternoon.

On meeting Bob for the first time how could you find out his strengths?

What is one thing you could do to encourage Bob to realise his personal strengths?

It's Wednesday and you arrive to take Bob to the supermarket. Bob appears to be down and when you ask him if he his ready to go to the shops he explains he doesn't feel up to going and hands you the shopping list. He goes on to tell you he is sick of having carers come into his home and telling him what to do. You think the weekly shopping trip is a good way for Bob to get out of the house and he usually comes back happier than when he left.

How can you encourage Bob to provide feedback if he isn't happy with the help and services he's receiving?

List the aspects of Bob's life that may be impacting on his mental health?

A week later you arrive to assist Bob with his personal hygiene and he is still in bed. He is watching TV and breathing very heavily. He tells you he isn't feeling well and doesn't want to get out of bed.

What would you do in this situation and who would you report Bob's condition to?

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Reference No:- TGS03269228

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