
how can brain research improve the treatment of

How can brain research improve the treatment of pain?

Despite recent advances in understanding how brain processes and responds to pain, experts say pain continues to be grossly under-treated in this nation. The biggest treatment gaps are in chronic pain conditions like neuropathic pain (a common complication of diabetes), cancer pain, and a range of other disabling problems. Together, these conditions affect an estimated 86 million Americans and cost U.S. businesses some $90 billion yearly, according to American Chronic Pain Association.  

When pain is chronic, body's normal physiological response to pain stimuli goes awry, and chemical signals which transmit pain sensations to brain become stuck in "on" position. In searching for a solution, scientists have set their sights on a number of molecules which transmit or amplify pain signals. The most promising targets are those which are used exclusively for sending pain messages to the spinal cord, as targeting these wouldn't interfere with the normal (and necessary) response to acute pain. A number of clinical trials are now underway to test effectiveness and safety of this new generation of possible treatments for chronic pain.


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