
How can awareness of your learning patterns skills and

The primary goal of your last assignment is to reflect on what you have learned about yourself as a result of this class and how you will use this knowledge to succeed in future courses.

Reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and actions and making appropriate connections will help you plan for your future success.

Review the Model EssayPreview the document document in the online classroom. Use the sample as a guide to complete your own. Then, in a five-paragraph essay that is three to four pages in length, address the following:

Paragraph 1: Learning at the college level involves accumulating experiences, growing through feedback, exchanging ideas, and revisiting learning challenges. How can awareness of your Learning Patterns, skills, and experiences help you be competitive in your chosen career?

Paragraph 2: In Week 1, you explored the concept of mindset. In the Week 5 Instructor Guidance, this concept was revisited as you explored how it can be applied outside an academic setting.

What does it mean for you to have a growth mindset? Aside from being a student, consider other roles that you have (parent, employee, manager, etc.) and choose one. How can having a growth mindset help you further develop and positively impact others in the role you chose?

Paragraph 3: Thinking, reading and writing critically are essential skills that contribute to academic, personal, and professional success. For this paragraph, choose either critical reading or critical writing and address the following -

Identify two specific strategies to enhance your critical reading skills OR your critical writing skills. Select strategies presented in Chapter 4 and explain how you will apply each of the strategies both in and outside the classroom. Finally, describe how academic integrity is supported by critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing.

Paragraph 4: Metacognition refers to your internal talk or, as Vygotsky described it, "learning to direct one's own mental processes with the aid of words."

Throughout this course, you have engaged in a metacognitive forum that challenged you to think about how you processed the learning from the previous week. Describe how you approached the metacognitive forums. How did your approach change from week to week?

How was value added to your learning process by participating in the metacognitive forums? Explain how continuing to complete these reflective sentence starters can enrich your learning.

Paragraph 5: Reflect on the past five weeks. What were your expectations when you began this course? Were they met? Why or why not.

If you could change one thing about this course, what would it be? Considering the course content, online learning platform, and interactions with your peers and instructor, what advice would you give to someone who is just starting this course to maximize their learning experience?

This assignment must be double spaced, written in Times New Roman 12-pt. font, and submitted to Waypoint as a Microsoft Word document.

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Dissertation: How can awareness of your learning patterns skills and
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