As a student, you already have gained a great deal of knowledge. What you know and have experienced prior to this class will affect how you perceive, learn, and retain new information. Your learning is also affected by what you think you know. To share your current knowledge, respond to the following in a few paragraphs before you review the content in the module.
Pre-assessment question:
•How can an emergency manager keep the public involved in hazard mitigation and the implementation of a hazard mitigation plan after it has been approved and adopted?
Flooding is a temporary overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. Flooding may happen with only a few inches of water, or it may cover a house to the rooftop. There are many possible causes of floods including heavy rain or snowmelt, coastal storms and storm surge, waterway overflow from being blocked with debris or ice, or overflow of levees, dams, or waste water systems, Flooding can occur slowly over many days or happen very quickly with little or no warning.
Possible ways to mitigate risk to floods hazard.
Channel modifications- can enlarge cross-sectional area and thus create a situation where a higher stage is necessary before flooding. In other words by enlarging the cross-sectional area, higher discharge can be held within the channel.
Dams - Dams can be used to hold water back so that discharge downstream can be regulated at a desired rate.
Levees, Dikes, and Floodwalls-These are structures built along side the channel to increase the stage at which stream floods.
In your reflection journal entry for this week, address the following in 2-3 paragraphs, integrating the knowledge you have gained during this week:
2-Look back at your pre-assessment journal from this module. What elements of your answers would you change? Please link your changes to the content that was covered.