The Army Profession demands leaders of high competence and strong character who foster a command climate that encourages dignity and respect. Junior leaders need to provide a safe and trusting environment that willprevent sexual offenses from occurring and encourage reporting without fear ofreprisal. How can you as a leader strengthen the Army's professional commitment to combating sexual offenses at the lowest level with implementing the Army's initiative "This is My Squad." (TIMS)
2 pages. Double spaced.
Army writing style, which primary focus is concise, straight to the point wording.
The purpose statement of essay needs to be within the first sentence of introduction.
Research and get an understanding of SHARP and TIMS.
Needs introduction, body (3 supporting ideas from purpose statement),and conclusion (summarize main points). Make sure end of conclusion has a memorable final statement.
Paper must have 2 Army Regulation (AR) References.