
How business or landlord treat individuals with disabilities


A. Describe the community that you live in. (New York) How many people live there, and what are the demographics of the population? (You can find this information at www.census.gov. Put your city in the search box.) Make sure to describe if there are any special challenges, such as a large immigrant population, a large non-English speaking population, low socioeconomic status, etc. Describe any current events that have affected the community and individuals with mental health disorders or substance use disorders.

B. Based on your own search, describe the resources that are available for individuals with mental health disorder. This might include 12 step groups, NAMI, or other groups or services held in churches. List at least four different resources that are outside of a hospital that are offered by your community that could be used by an individual with a mental health disorder. The resources need to be run by different organizations - in other words, identifying five different locations of Alcoholics Anonymous would only be one resource. If possible, consider the resources available for religious minorities, the disabled, and the LGBTQ community.

C. Describe any policies that your New York has that address how businesses or landlords treat individuals with disabilities. (This information would be on the city or county website, or you can call your city office and ask.)

D. Describe policies or resources that would protect individuals with disabilities. This would include ordinances or agencies that would protect discrimination toward individuals with mental illness. (You may be able to find this information on the city or county website, or health department website. Or, call your city office.)

E. If you were to work in your community as a psychiatric hospital social worker, what challenge might you want to address to increase the likelihood of your clients being successful upon discharge?

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