Assignment task:
Can you reply back to the following text without copying it and use the below references as an in text citation in your answer?
Bureaucratic structures in criminal justice agencies can significantly influence employee motivation. They have a clear chain of command and strict rules that can restrict law enforcement officials from taking initiative or being creative. This limits the officer's autonomy. A person's sense of independence significantly affects performance and attitude. For example, as a military law enforcement officer, the chain of command is everything. So even if a officer has an idea on how to increase community engagement or solve a critical issue, they would have to go through multiple layers of superiors to get approval for changes, which can lead to frustration, especially if the higher-ups are not open to feedback or are more focused on adhering to established procedures than on addressing practical issues.
Max Weber's formulation of bureaucracy can help explain why these structures are the way they are. A hierarchy must have an established super- and subordination system generally ordered by laws or administrative regulations. This allows the structure to prioritize efficiency at the cost of employee creativity and motivation.
Pink, D. H. (2011). Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Riverhead Books.
Weber, M. (2013). Bureaucracy. In G. Roth & C. Wittich, (Eds.), Economy and Society (pp. 956-973, 980-983, and 990-994). University of California Press.