
How broad and diverse organisations should be in terms



Module Code: BU7204

Module Title: Strategic Management

Level: 7

Assessment Type: Individual Assignment
Maximum Word Limit: 2,000 words
Assessment Weighting: 50%

Table of Contents:

1. Indicative assessment requirements for the module
2. Description of assessment requirements
3. Learning Outcomes
4. Summary of marking scheme
5. Grading Criteria
6. Core Text & Recommended Reading
7. Feedback Sheet
8. Further Guidance Notes
9/10. Reading list/ additional sources

Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module:

Individual Report: 3000 words (weighting :50%)


Description of Assessment Requirements

The Assignment

Taking an international or domestic organisation that you believe has achieved superior performance in the past year, use relevant frameworks and models to appraise critically the strategy of this company. If you choose a very large organisation ,you should focus on a single international division .Cite evidence in support of your arguments.

In your answer ensure that you clearly identify what criteria you have used to conclude that it has 'achieved the superior performance', for example, through competitive positioning , financial performance, value creation and others. Also be aware that the structure of the organisation (consolidations , mergers , subsdiaries ) can sometimes make performance issues difficult to gauge and when this is evident you should draw reader's attention to it.

SECTION 3: Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes tested:

Task 1

? Demonstrate a critical awareness of research in the evolution of strategic management

? Critically analyse a case situation in terms of strategic issues and make justified recommendations

Task 2

? Identify and explain the importance of how the synthesise of knowledge gained from other business modules may be brought together into a comprehensive understanding of the concepts underpinning competitive advantage.

? Understand and be able to critically analyse the strategic position and the interrelated functions of Production and Operations Management (POM) in organisations

? Demonstrate, understand and critically explain the importance of integrational thinking in their understanding of strategy and its formation and development in complex organisations

Task 3

? Evaluate and develop the ability to identify strategic issues and design appropriate courses of action

Section 4: Marking Scheme:

Presentation (Report Format) 5
Ability to relate strategic capabilities and internal analysis concepts to a practical example 20
Ability to use external analysis models 20
A critical application of strategic choice models to identify reasons for success 40
Ability to reach a reasoned conclusion 10
These guides are indicative only. Examiners will use their judgment of the answer as a whole to determine the final mark.
There is NO template for the answer. Students will have to decide upon the analytical emphasis that they will apply in their answer.
Total 100





Section 5: Grading Criteria

MARK 29 or less 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 +

Has the question been answered?
Vague, random, unrelated material Some mention of the issue, but a collection of disparate points Barely answers the question - just reproduces what knows about the topic Some looseness/
digressions Well focused Highly focused
Is there evidence of having read widely
and use of appropriate and up to date material to make a case? No evidence of reading.
No use of theory - not even hinted at implicitly. No evidence of reading.
An implicit hint at some knowledge of theory, etc. No evidence of reading. Very basic theories mentioned but not developed or well used. Some reading evident, but confined to core texts. Good reading.
Good range of theories included. Excellent reading.
Well chosen theories.
Are ideas summarized rather than being reproduced, and are they inter-related with other ideas?
No theory included. Vague assertions/poor explanations. Long winded descriptions of theory.
Some long winded sections.
Some quotations, but stand alone.
Some inter- connections. Good summary of theory.
Good use of quotations that flow with narrative.
Good inter-connections. Succinct, effective summaries of theory. Excellent choice and threading of quotations into argument. Good counterpoising of a range of perspectives.
Does it show appropriate use of theory in a
practical situation? No examples No/limited/
inappropriate examples Few examples Uneven examples Good examples Excellent range of examples.
Does it identify the key issues, etc in a given scenario, proposal or argument? Vague assertions about issues. Largely descriptive with no identification and analysis of central issues. Limited insight into issues. Some good observations. Good, detailed analysis. Comprehensive range of issues identified and discussed fully.
Does it critically assess material?
Are there a workable and imaginative solutions? No evaluation. Uncritical acceptance of material. Some evaluation but weak. Little insight. Good interpretation. Some but limited sophistication in argument.
Good critical assessment. Independent thought displayed. Full critical assessment and substantial individual insight.
Thorough and accurate citation and referencing No referencing No referencing Limited/poor referencing Some inconsistencies in referencing
Appropriate referencing Appropriate referencing
Logical and coherent structure to argument and effective presentation
No structure apparent.
Poor presentation.
Poor structure.
Poor presentation. Acceptable, but uneven structure.
Reasonable presentation. Reasonable structure.
Good presentation. Good argument.
Well presented material. Excellent argument.
Very effective presentation format.





Section 6: Core Text &Recommended Reading


Core Text:
• Johnson G. and Scholes K. (2012) Exploring Corporate Strategy, (9th Edn) Prentice Hall, UK
• Greasley, A (2009) Operations Management (2nd edn).Chichester, UK: John Wiley.

Recommended reading
• Core text: Mintzberg H, Quinn J. and Ghoshal S (2004) The Strategy Process (European Edition), Prentice Hall, UK, 4th edn
• De Wit and Mayer (2010) Strategy CENGAGE Learning Business Press; 4th Revised edition
• Lynch R. (2006) Corporate Strategy, (4th edn) Pitman Publishing, London
• Rosen R (2006) Strategic Management: An Introduction, Pitman, UK
• Stacey R. (2007) Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics, (5th edn) Pitman, UK
• Christopher.M., (2005), Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service, (3rd edn). London: Pearson Education.
• Bozarth, C and Handfield, R (2008). Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management. (2nd edn.). London: Pearson Education.



SECTION 7: Feedback Sheet

MBA Strategic Management Assignment Feedback Sheet April-Jul 2014

Mark Allocation Score/Comments

Introduction: understanding of the types of strategy
citing key authorities (e.g. Lindblom, Quinn, Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter, McGrath? 5 marks

Use of strategic capabilities concepts: is the analysis grounded in key models(VRIN, Value chain, benchmarking, 7S, Analytical SWOT profile and others)? 20 marks
Competitive analysis:
Has the full range of competitive tools been applied (e.g. PESTLE, 5 forces, Value Net, CAGE, Yip's drivers, Porter's Diamond )? 20 marks

Use of strategic choice modelsto identify reasons for success:
Is there evidence of appreciation and application of business strategy models, corporate strategy, entrepreneurial strategy and international strategy? (i.e. Bowman's Clock, Porter's Generic, Blue Ocean, Bertrand's Best Response, Game theory, Cournot's Quantity Dynamics, Corporate Parenting styles, BCG matrix, Shell-GE, Ashridge, Yip's drivers, Diamond, CAGE, Gupta's model, Entrepreneurial models etc). Is the analysis fully grounded in reliable evidence?
40 marks
Conclusion 10 marks
Presentation 5 marks
Total 100


SECTION 9: Further Guidance Notes

Students are advised to study the whole of this document very carefully and in particular pay attention to the assignment brief (section 2) , the learning outcomes ( section 3), the marking scheme ( section 5) and the feedback sheet ( section7). The content of this document will be discussed fully in class. Please note that according to the module descriptor the total study hours for this module is 150 . Below are further guidance notes which cross-refer you to the study notes and slides on the portal, based on Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, (2010), Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall. Ensure that you achieve the basic learning outcomes of each set of slides before you attempt to write up your report.


Understanding of the types of strategy, strategic capabilities, culture and strategic choice models

A. Cross-reference: See Portal for PP01

• Summarise the strategy of an organisation in a ‘strategy statement'.
• Identify key issues for an organisation's strategy according to the Exploring Strategy model.
• Distinguish between corporate, business and operational strategies.
• Understand how different people contribute to strategy at work.
• Appreciate the contributions of different academic disciplines and theoretical lenses to practical strategy analysis
B. Strategic Capabilities and Purpose of organisation: PP03 and PP 04
• Identify what comprises strategic capabilities in terms of
organisationalresources and competences and how these
relate to the strategies of organisations.
• Analyse how strategic capabilities might provide sustainable competitive advantageon the basis of their value, rarity, inimitability and non-substitutability (VRIN).
• Diagnose strategic capability by means of benchmarking, value chain analysis, activity mapping and SWOT analysis.
• Consider how managers can develop strategic capabilities for their organisations

C. Portal: PP 012 for the types of strategy

• Explain what is meant by intended and emergent strategy development.
• Identify intended processes of strategy development in organisations including: the role of strategic leadership, strategic planning systems and externally imposed strategy.
• Identify processes that give rise to emergent strategy development such as: logical incrementalism, political processes, the influence of prior decisions and organisational systems.
• Explain some of the challenges managers face in strategy development including: managing multiple strategy processes, strategy development in different contexts and managing intended and emergent strategy.

D. Competitive Analysis :PP 02

• How to analyse an organisation's position in the external environment.
• How to analyse the determinants of strategic capability - resources, competences and the linkages between them.
• How to understand an organisation's purposes, taking into account corporate governance, stakeholder expectations and business ethics.
• How to address the role of history and

D. Business Strategy PP 06
• How organisations relate to competitors in terms of their competitive business strategies.
• How broad and diverse organisations should be in terms of their corporate portfolios.
• How far organisations should extend themselves internationally.
• How organisations are creative and innovative.
• How organisations pursue strategies through organic development, acquisitions or strategic alliances.


E. Corporate Strategy PP 07

• Explain what is meant by intended and emergent strategy development.
• Identify intended processes of strategy development in organisations including: the role of strategic leadership, strategic planning systems and externally imposed strategy.
• Identify processes that give rise to emergent strategy development such as: logical incrementalism, political processes, the influence of prior decisions and organisational systems.
• Explain some of the challenges managers face in strategy development including: managing multiple strategy processes, strategy development in different contexts and managing intended and emergent strategy.

F International Strategy PP08

• Assess the internationalisation potential of different markets.
• Identify sources of competitive advantage in international strategy, through both global sourcing and exploitation of local factors.
• Distinguish between four main types of international strategy.
• Rank markets for entry or expansion, taking into account attractiveness, cultural and other forms of distance and competitor retaliation threats.
• Assess the relative merits of different market entry modes, including joint ventures, licensing and foreign direct investment.




SECTION 10 : Reading list/additional sources

(Also see the portal for a list of recommended textbooks)
You may find some of the references below useful for your assignment depending on the topic/type of company you wish to research into. The list is by no means exhaustive. You are at liberty to use refereed sources and compile your own list of references.

Ackermann, F. (2011). "How OR can contribute to strategy making." The Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(5): 921-923.

Andrews, K. (2004). The concept of corporate strategy. Strategy: Process, content and context (third edition). B. de Wit and R. Meyer. London, Thomson.

Benedict , J., Steenkamp, E. & Kumar, N., (2009). Don't be undersold. Harvard Business review, pp. 91-95.

Boyne, G. & Meier, K., (2009). Environmental change , human resources and organizational turnaround. Journal of management studies , Volume 46, pp. 835-863.

Bradfield, R., G. Wright, et al. (2005). "The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning." Futures 37(8): 795-812.

Bratt, I., Byron , E. & Zimmerman, A., 2009. US cut back on spice once the spice of marketing. Wall street journal, pp. 16-17

Bryant, J., J. Darwin, et al. (2011). "Strategy making with the whole organisation: OR and the art of the possible." The Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(5): 840-854.

Bryant, J., M. Meadows, et al. (2007). Gone fishing: A case study. Supporting strategy: Frameworks, methods and models. F. O' Brien and R. G. Dyson. Chichester, Wiley.

Cable, V., 2009. The storm:the world economic crisis & what it means. In: London: Atlantic books.


Chalmeta, R. and S. Palomero (2011)."Methodological proposal for business sustainability management by means of the Balanced Scorecard." The Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(7): 1344-1356.

Clemens, R. (2009). "Environmental Scanning and Scenario Planning: A 12 month Perspective on Applying the Viable Systems Model to Developing Public Sector Foresight." Systemic Practice and Action Research 22(4): 249.
Cravens, D. W., Piercy, N. & Baldauf, A., 2009. Management frameword guiding strategic thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of marketing management, Volume 25, pp. 31-49.
Driouchi, T., M. Leseure, et al. (2009). "A robustness framework for monitoring real options
Dyson, R. G., J. Bryant, et al. (2007). The strategic development process. Supporting strategy:

Frameworks, methods and models. F. O' Brien and R. G. DYSON. Chichester, Wiley. Dyson,

Favoro, K., Romberger, T. & Meer, D., (2009). Five rules for retailing in a recession. Harvard Business Review, pp. 64-72.
Ferraro, C. & Sands, S., (2010), Retailers' strategic responses to economic downturn:insights from down under. International Journal of retail and distribution management , 38(8), pp. 567

Franco, L., F. O'Brien, et al. (2011). "Supporting strategy: Contributions from OR, The Journal of the Operational Research Society (editorial)." Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(5): 815-816.

Grant, R. M. (2006). Contemporary strategy analysis (Fifth edition). Oxford, Blackwell. Grinyer, P.
Jarzabkowski, P. and A. P. Spee (2009). "Strategy-as-practice: A review and future directions for the field." International Journal of Management Reviews 11(1): 69-95.
Johnson, G., K. Scholes, et al. (2012). Exploring corporate strategy (Seventh edition). London, Prentice Hall.
Jones, B. & Temperley, J., 2011. Waitrose :an emporium for the middle classes broadens its appeal. International Journal of management cases, pp. 341-346.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton (1992). "The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance." Harvard Business Review 70(1): 71 - 79.
Kowalski, K., S. Stagl, et al. (2009). "Sustainable energy futures: Methodological challenges in combining scenarios and participatory multi-criteria analysis." European Journal of Operational Research 197(3): 1063.
Moreau, R., 2010. Private label and discounters shaping grocery retailing in Europe. Euromonitor International, pp. 86-89.
Morrow, J., Hitt, D. & Holcomb, T., 2007. Creating value in the face of declining performance - firm strategies and organizational recovery. strategic management journal, Volume 28, pp. 271-283.

McGee, J., H. Thomas, et al. (2010). Strategy: Analysis and practice (2nd edition). London, McGraw
Meadows, M. and F. O'Brien (2007). Visioning: A process for strategic development Supporting Strategy: Frameworks, methods and models. F. O' Brien and R. Dyson. Chichester, Wiley: 27-54.

Montibeller, G. and A. Franco (2011), "Raising the bar: strategic multi-criteria decision analysis." Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(5): 855-867.Piercy, N., Cravens, D. & Lane , N., 2010. Thinking strategically about pricing decisions. Journal of Business strategy, pp. 38-48.
Porter, M., 1980. Competitive strategy:Techniques for analysing Industries and competitors. In: New York: Free press.
Porter, M.,( 2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business review, pp. 79-93.
Porter, M. E., (1980,1998). Competitive strategy:Techniques for analysing Industries and competitors. Free Press, a division of Simon and Schuster.
Price, T., 2009. Prospering in uncertain times. Indust. and Comm.Tr, Volume 41, pp. 75-79.
Quelch, J. & Jocz, K.,( 2009). How to market in a downturn. Harvard business review, Volume 4, pp. 52-62.
Raisch, S. & Birkinshaw, (2008). Organisational ambidextirity, antecedents , outcomes and
moderators. Journal of management , Volume 34, pp. 375-409.
Reeves, M. & Deimler, M., (2009). Strategies for winning in the current and post recession
environment. Strategy and leadership, 37(6), pp. 10-17.

Rouleau, L. and J. Balogun (2011)."Middle managers, strategic sensemaking and discursive competence." Journal of Management Studies 48(5): 953-983.

Rouwette, E. (2011). "Facilitated modelling in strategy development: Measuring the impact on communication, consensus and commitment." Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(5): 879-887.

Rumelt , R., 2009. Strategy in a structural break. McKinsey quarterly, Volume 1, pp. 35-42.

Stenfors, S., L. Tanner, et al. (2007). "Executive views concerning decision support tools." European Journal of Operational Research 181: 929 - 938.

Tapinos, E., R. G. Dyson, et al. (2011). "Does the Balanced Scorecard make a difference to the strategy development process?" The Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(5): 888-899.

Trutnevyte, E., M. Stauffacher, et al. (2012). "Linking stakeholder visions with resource allocation scenarios and multi-criteria assessment." European Journal of Operational Research 219(3): 762.

Whittington, R. (2006). "Completing the practice turn in strategy." Organization Studies27(5): 613-634.
Wright, G., G. Cairns, et al. (2009). "Teaching scenario planning: Lessons from practice in
academe and business." European Journal of Opera



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