Assignment task:
Bombardier's decision was driven primarily by the need to manage (Supply or inventory). Not doing so effectively likely meant (order cancelations and increased vendor development costs or tariffs and reduced access to the US market), and the (complexity or size) of the substructure (decreased or increased) potential cost and time concerns. Sourcing risk was primarily (structural or operational) in nature, and (some or all) requirements and how they were to be fulfilled could potentially be codified. Risk mitigation options included Bombardier (retaining internal production capability or exploring other domestic suppliers) and investing in (product re-design or vendor development and oversight). While insourcing would reduce challenges of (production capacity or management control and oversight), outsourcing meant managing the tradeoff between supplier (location and delivery lead time or innovation and design capability). Bombardier's decision reflected the pressure they faced to (source domestically or pay down debts) and their motivation to (enter the European market or build a long-term supply strategy).