
How big is your protein footprint does a meat-rich diet

Part 1 250 words

2. Why should war and disasters be considered public health issues?

Reference : Weitz, R. (2010). The sociology of health, illness, and healthcare: A critical approach. (6th ed.). Boston, MA.: Cengage. (chapter 3)

Armelagos, G.J., Brown P.T., &Turner, B. (2005). Evolutionary, historical and political economic perspectives on health and disease. Social Science and Medicine, 61: 755-765.

Scrambler, G., & Paoli, F. (2008). Health work, female sex workers and HIV/AIDS: Global and local dimensions of deviance as barriers to effective interventions. Social Science & Medicine, 66 (8): 1848-1862.

Part 2 250 words

Topic : How big is your protein footprint? Does a meat-rich diet have an adverse impact on our environment? Does it contribute to global warming?

Your initial forum must be at least 250 words . You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Your textbook is not an outside reference. Remember, there is no right or wrong.


"An Introduction to Nutrition". Medical LibreTexts. N.p., 2017. Web. 25 Jun. 2017.Chapter 4 & 5

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