
How big is amazon


1. Begin with a brief introduction/history
- business situation, including the macro/micro-environment conditions facing the organization.

2. List the problem statement:
- the opportunity or threat facing the organization.

3. Offer and discuss alternative strategies and programs you would consider to deal with the opportunity or threat to the organization
- Present each alternative in sufficient detail to give the reader an idea of why it may be beneficial.

4. Recommend one alternative you have identified
- Inform the reader of your reasons for this recommendation.

5. Describe tracking metrics to determine the effectiveness of your recommendation as a way to solve the problem you identified
- Be sure to include both intermediate metrics and a conclusive metric.

6. Summarizewhat you have learned from your critical analysis.

7. Cite sources and list references per APA standards.

Can Amazon Persuade Enough People to Buy Fresh Food Online? (D'Innocenzio, 2017)

• Background Information
- Traces its roots back to 1994 when John Bezos launched his online bookstore and grew to be a one-stop-shop synonymous with e-commerce (CNN, 2016).

• The Story of Amazon's Rise to Internet Superpower
- Now involved in so much more (ColdFusion, 2016).

• How BIG is Amazon?
- Purchased Whole Foods in 2017 (D'Innocenzio, 2017).

• Three page maximum.

• All submitted reports must be double-spaced using standard font (11 or 12 pt.) and page format, with an appropriate title, section headings, and page numbers.

• The rubric included in this syllabus provides the criteria for evaluating and grading all written reports

Report Writing - common problems:

Cite the original article & other sources as appropriate

Apply APA standards

Hanging indent

Use section headers

Company/corporation: use "it/its" not "they/their"

Avoid contractions in business writing

Critical Analysis Article: Criteria

1. Begin with a brief introduction/history
- business situation, including the macro/micro-environment conditions facing the organization.

2. List the problem statement:
- the opportunity or threat facing the organization.

3. Offer and discuss alternative strategies and programs you would consider to deal with the opportunity or threat to the organization
- Present each alternative in sufficient detail to give the reader an idea of why it may be beneficial.

4. Recommend one alternative you have identified
- Inform the reader of your reasons for this recommendation.

5. Describe tracking metrics to determine the effectiveness of your recommendation as a way to solve the problem you identified
- Be sure to include both intermediate metrics and a conclusive metric.

6. Summarize what you have learned from your critical analysis.

7. Cite sources and list references per APA standards.

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Finance Basics: How big is amazon
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