
How big a problem is the extensive use of executive orders

Assignment Task: How big a problem is the extensive use of Executive Orders, particularly?

Opponents say they are overused and abused, a clear violation of the separation of powers doctrine contained within the Constitution. If Congress refuses to enact a piece of legislation, it is supposed to die as the result of their exercise of their constitutional authority. It is not supposed to be de facto enacted by the Executive Order of the President.

Supporters of the president issuing the Executive Order argue that the modern day needs of the government require a president to take steps when congressional gridlock or inaction results in a national need or crisis not being addressed.

Although Congress is not without power to address alleged improper Executive Orders by denying funding or enacting legislation countermanding the E.O. at the end of the day it is up to the Supreme Court as the arbiter of separation of powers to decide.

Please identify issues in the Discussion Question, discuss them and give support for your position, and discuss how the issues may interact with each other.

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Other Subject: How big a problem is the extensive use of executive orders
Reference No:- TGS03230427

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