An activated sludge reactor is designed to remove the BOD from the wastewater experiments on the rate of the biodegration provider below. Show All work.
a) Using the data below determine if the rate of the BOD consumption is zero, 1st or 2nd order reaction rate. Show all 3 graphs.
b) Determine the value of the kinetic constant for the rate model you choose.
c)if the wastewater spends 6 hours in the activated sludge tank, what would you expect the effluent to be?
d) how big ( gallon capacity) must the tank be ( minimumum size) if we use a design value of 15 mg/l BOD in the effluen ad the unit is treating 25 MGD of wastewater? the influent concentration was measured at time 0.
e)if the temperature was 10 degrees C ( the data was taken at 20 degrees C), how would these numbers change Recalculate b) through d) at 10 degrees C.
Sample#/ time/ BOD(mg/l)
1/ 0/ 170
2 /5 /160
3 /10/ 98
4 /20 /62
5 /30 /40
6 /40 /27