
How be scared if a woman said yes, and humiliated if said no

Problem: Timid and easily intimidated, Ricardo, avoids new experiences in order to prevent himself from feeling inadequate, embarrassing himself or feeling uncomfortable.  He would like to date.  Through his work at the local animal shelter, he has contact with many single women who would probably be interested in dating him.  But, Ricardo lacks the confidence to ask someone out.  He would be scared if a woman said yes, and humiliated if she said no.  When he was a kid, he was teased by others for being a "scaredy cat."  To relieve the loneliness, he sought out others who were also timid and afraid. He has always been very academic and got into a prestigious graduate program but declined out of fear that other graduate students would be too competitive and he would feel inadequate.

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Reference No:- TGS03284747

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