
How balance right and treatment in mental health environment


Your instructor insights for this present two articles focusing on consent in the mental health environment. Despite progress in improving the right of mental health patients under consent laws, there continues to be a need to balance rights and treatment. The Pychiatric Times article describes the struggle to expand consent in psychotherapy while the Ottawa law review article demonstrates how a rights approach still needs to be balanced with a treatment first approach if patient care is to remain paramount in consent law and practice.

• From the scenario, evaluate the efficacy of both the documentation protocols requiring patient consent by physicians and the legal reporting requirements, as they apply to protecting patients' rights. Examine the primary way in which such documentation could help both physician and patient in the event of litigation.

• Analyze the major professional roles that physicians and nurses play, as they apply to following the requirement for obtaining patient consent. Examine the process whereby health care professionals can legitimately challenge patients' rights to refuse treatment, based on the condition of verbal, written, or implied consent.


Barden, C. (2014). Reforming Mental Health Care: How Ending "Recovered Memory" Treatments Brought Informed Consent to Psychotherapy. Psychiatric Times, 1-4 https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/ Accessed May 16,2016

Greenberg, J. (A Right of Appeal Under Ontario's Health Care Consent Act: A Paper Victory is No Victory at All.Ottawa Law Review, 44 ( 3), 433-465

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