
How assessment builds on your theoretical knowledge


This assessment builds on your theoretical knowledge and aims for you to apply theoretical learning into simulated settings, working in groups of 5 members, you are required to form a group (random selection by lecturer). You will be given time during tutorials to develop 5 x 5 minute role plays showing a group work setting (each week will be the same group but role-playing a different stage of the group process). Your group will also need to dedicate some time put side of class time to prepare for this assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of the content covered in lectures and tutorials. During your role play sessions, you will be required to take turns facilitating the group for approximately 5 minutes. Other students will be assigned roles, and you will need to demonstrate the facilitation and leadership skills that you have learnt (conflict resolution, decision making, diversity, communication skills, leadership skills appropriate to the use youth group social planning group as an example please

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Reference No:- TGS03424034

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