
How are womens lives portrayed in the work

Assignment task: The Law and Literature

Term paper-suggested topics

Directions: This term paper must be in MLA (double-spaced, original title, running headers, a Works Cited page, Times New Roman 12 font, etc. Do not have a title page.  Please see the Research Unit for guidelines.) You are to use at least three secondary sources from the Mercy Library or an appropriate source with my approval. You should use books, JSTOR, and Academic Search Premier. You cannot use Wikipedia. You may use CREDO but only for background information. You cannot use Grade Saver, SHMOOP, 1 2 3 Help Me, Lit Crits, or any such study guide. Remember: I can accept only WORD attachments.

1. According to Lois Tyson, one question that can be used is when reading is "[w]hat can the work teach us about the specifics of African heritage, African American culture and experience, and/or African American history (including but not limited to the history of marginalization (177). How can this be applied to the understanding of The Marrow of Tradition?

2. Feminist critics often ask: a. How are women's lives portrayed in the work? b. Does the work challenge or affirm traditional views of women? c. How do the images of women in the story reflect patriarchal social forces that have impeded women's efforts to achieve full equality with men?3. If a female character were male, how would the work be different?

4. How does the marital status of a character affect her decisions or happiness?

By using one or more of these questions, discuss the role, portrayal, and attitudes towards    women in terms of the law and literature. You may wish to use Antigone or both Antigone and A Jury of Her Peers.

5. How is the Other viewed and treated in the legal system?

6. In the Trial, discuss the absurdity of the legal system.

7. A topic of your own that needs to be approved by me.

 Select from this suggested paper topics and provide essay on it

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