“Pick ONE focus and write a detailed, researched paper that proves your point” this essay needs to focus on one point and write details about it.
• Both texts are larger accumulations of short stories, how do the smaller tales weave together to serve a larger purpose or moral? How do the stories complement each other or comment on each other?
• How are women portrayed in the Lais or Arabian Nights? Can you compare the two?
• How do the Lais work with or work against courtly love and/or chivalry?
• What ideals of kingship are represented in the text(s)?
• Shame vs. Guilt Culture o Statements should be supported with details from the text(s) and/or pieces of art.
o The paper should receive scholarly support from at least three reliable outside sources (one must be scholarly).
o All papers must be in MLA format. Papers will be submitted to SafeAssign on Blackboard.
o These papers will be graded according to their thoughtfulness, persuasiveness, precision, textual support, clarity, and attention to assignment requirements.
o Materials should avoid first person and the paper should be thesis-driven argument paper Focus on the instructions more and pick ONE.