
How are these two issues related but yet distinct

Your essay should be about three pages long. It will constitute 15 percent of your grade. Your essay can focus on 1 of the following topics.

Essay Choice 1: Institutional study

  • Churches, schools, civic organizations (black civil rights orgs, fraternities and sororities, etc) and businesses are important social institutions for any society. Select one of the above, with pre-World War II origins, and trace its historical development over time.
  • Family: Trace the outlines of your family's history to the post-Civil War era, or as far back as you can, and integrate your family's story within the context of historical events of the era discussed in this class. Include such elements as family structure, occupation, education, military service, religion, music, region or geography, and personality profiles and portraits, as well as food and folklore, i.e., family stories that you may want to share.

Essay Choice 2: Select one of the following comparisons and discuss in a short essay.

  • Emancipation: Compare the emancipation process in the United States with that in Brazil or Cuba or Haiti. Include a brief overview of their slave societies and racial, demographic, and political profiles of the day.
  • Ideology and Leadership: Booker T. Washington and. W. E. B. Du Bois; or King and Malcolm X; or Garvey and Randolph. Where do they have differences? Where do they have similarities?
  • Issues: Race and class-how do the two work in concert to impact progress in contemporary American society? OR Women: feminism vs. womanism? How are these two issues related but yet distinct? How do both issues gender and race intertwine for African American women as an issue to be combated?

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History: How are these two issues related but yet distinct
Reference No:- TGS0524242

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