
How are the western and science fiction genres connected


Textbook: Introduction To Mythology: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths.

Chapter 42 : The Journey into the unknown in Westerns and Science Fictions (Stagecoach and Firefly).

1. How are the Western and Science Fiction genres connected?

2. As contemporary mythic traditions, what do the Western and Sci-Fi genres "say" about contemporary society?

3. If you have you seen any of the TV shows or movies discussed in this chapter, what is your opinion of them?

4. Do you know of other contemporary Sci-Fi or Western themed TV shows or movies that you think qualify as part of this tradition of contemporary myth?

5. What do shows like "Star Trek" and "X-Files" reveal about popular views on science?

6. Parallels between "Stagecoach" and "Serenity"?

7. Anything else you find interesting about the chapter?

Chapter 43: A Rankian Analysis 0f the Hero of Hogwarts ( Harry Potter).

1. Are you a Harry Potter fan? Why/why not?

2. Do you agree with the assessment of Harry Potter as a contemporary hero, as discussed in this chapter?

3. How does Harry relate to his mother and father figures? What is an example of the theme of birth and/or rebirth in the book and film series?

4. Are there other book/movie series out today that you think also qualify as contemporary heroes along the lines of the Rankian analysis done in this chapter?

5. Discuss. Anything else you find interesting about the chapter?

Chapter 44: The Undead in Contemporary Tales ( The Vampire as Hero).

1. Were you already familiar with the Twilight, Vampire Academy, and/or Anita Blake vampire books or movies?

2. Are you a "vampire" fan when it comes to popular culture? Why/why not?

3. What is Klein's "splitting the mother" and how does it help us understand vampires' popularity?

4. What does the popularity of vampire shows/movies/books say about contemporary society?

5. How are vampires seen as heroes? Examples?

6. Anything else you find interesting about the chapter?

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