How are the incentives of the various participants in the

After reading the case below, please answer the following thoroughly.

Question: How are the incentives of the various participants in the procurment process at Metalcraft influencing the use of the scorecard?-Identifying the evaluation and the compensation metrics for the 3 engineers and the buyer can serve. Furthermore, what changes would you make to the scorecard and process?- There are three broad categories which can/should be used to answer this question: measurement changes, incentive system changes, and management process changes. (Exhibits are irrelevant)

The members of the program management team at Metalcraft were preparing for their final meeting to discuss sourcing of the rubber vent hose to be used in a new luxury sedan. After the meeting Mark Mueller, the commodity purchasing agent, would select a supplier for that part. Mark was leaning towards AutoParts, Inc, which had offered the lowest price. Although the company had not performed well in the past, as reflected in its current “Yellow” ranking, the company’s management promised Mark that they would not disappoint him if selected. Mark knew that AutoParts’ quality rating would pose some problems. The company remained on a “restricted” list that required low-level signatures to approve the sourcing decision. Such approval had been done in the past, but it was one roadblock to overcome. Ellie Smith, a Metalcraft Quality supervisor, had worked with AutoParts before and had been disappointed. If AutoParts was selected, it would be Ellie who would have to work with them to ensure a high quality product. He preferred Electroparts. Electroparts supplied many parts to Metalcraft in the past, and Ellie was always pleased with the final product. The company’s “Green” rating reflected the high quality parts that Electroparts manufactured. However, its price was higher than AutoParts by 10%. While Mark and Ellie were preparing to defend their positions, Darrell Bonds and Mark Lechter reviewed the supplier information. Darrell Bonds, a product engineer, was not overwhelmed with the choices. He contracted Caltek Inc.’s Westburry Plant to create the prototype when he had recently redesigned the rubber vent hoses and was very impressed with their design team. While rubber vent hoses per se were not critical, he wanted to nurture the relationship with Caltek for their design acumen. In his opinion, Caltek’s technical capability exceeded that of Electroparts and AutoParts. However, the plant held a “Red” quality rating which placed the company on a “no quote” list. Approving Caltek as the supplier would be extremely difficult and would require high- level signatures. Typically, “Red” suppliers were only selected if they were the sole supplier of the part. Mark Lechter, Metalcraft’s Corporate Supplier Development (SD) manager, also supported Caltek. Once Mark had identified the areas that needed improvement, the company had been working diligently to improve the related metrics. Mark believed that the Westburry plant would deliver a high quality product in the designated time. Moreover, their price was comparable to AutoParts. Company Background Metalcraft was initially established in 1967. By 2001, the company supplied automotive parts to several of the largest vehicle manufacturers worldwide. Metalcraft employed approximately 80,000 employees in 27 countries. It was a component design and manufacturing organization whose product offerings included automotive glass, chassis systems, climate control systems, instrument panels, suspension systems, powertrain control systems, and telematics/multimedia systems. In 2001, Metalcraft’s revenues and net income (adjusted for restructuring charges) totaled $12.8 billion and $30 million, respectively. Though the company operated worldwide, North American sales accounted for 80% of total sales. Metalcraft was a Tier 1 supplier to large automakers. The automakers demanded zero defects from their suppliers. Achieving zero defects was a daunting task for Metalcraft given its 84 plants around the world and close to 1.0 million incoming components per plant per day. The costs associated with managing upstream suppliers were hard to quantify objectively. These costs included: quality problems, delays in parts delivery, or certifications, and warranty costs. For most components, the supplier did not capture warranty costs. Suppliers could win a bid competition because they offered the lowest unit price for the part. However, when the cost of quality and the delivery delays were considered, the winning supplier’s price may have actually exceeded the bid of other competitors. Consequently, Metalcraft evaluated potential suppliers on many dimensions. Exhibit 1 presents a letter to suppliers that communicated new standards. To evaluate and monitor suppliers more consistently, Metalcraft developed The Metalcraft Supplier Scorecard. Exhibit 2 provides an overview of the scorecard. Rob Cannon, Quality Control Manager at the Caltek Plant, believed that “Metalcraft’s scorecard was the best in the industry in terms of the amount of information available and the ease of use. Chrysler, Ford, GM, and Delphi had scorecards that were much less sophisticated.” Though it was regarded highly, Metalcraft management wondered whether the system’s capabilities were fully utilized. Industry Background The automotive parts industry supplied both to the original equipment market for parts used in new vehicles and to the aftermarket for replacement parts and add-on accessories. Though the U.S. industry consisted of approximately 5,000 firms, 100 large manufacturers dominated it. The automobile supply chain (see Exhibit 3) consisted of four levels: the automakers and the three tiers of suppliers. Tier 1 suppliers, such as Metalcraft, shipped finished parts and components to automakers for use in the vehicle production. Tier 2 suppliers converted raw materials acquired from the Tier 3 suppliers into subcomponents that were shipped to the Tier 1 suppliers. During the 1990s, automakers started to focus on final car assembly and increasingly expected Tier 1 suppliers to produce major subassemblies and modular components to be installed into a vehicle as a unit. The automobile industry had grown in both size and complexity. Naturally, this growth in the automobile industry spurred an increase in the automotive parts industry. The auto and truck parts sectors had a total market capitalization of $39.2 billion. Metalcraft’s market capitalization represented $2.8 billion of this. Companies such as Metalcraft and Delphi differentiated themselves by focusing on the more profitable, high-tech product sector. Despite the increasing complexity levels, aggregate vehicle quality levels had steadily improved. However, the cost of defects was still a major problem for the industry. In 1996, analysts estimated that Chrysler spent $2.7 billion a year on auto repair bills, while Ford and GM spent approximately $4 billion and $5 billion, respectively, on warranty repairs.2 At these levels, warranty costs totaled as much as several hundred dollars per vehicle, which often exceeded the average profit that automakers earned on a vehicle. Management at the automobile makers focused on these high warranty costs. Consequently, they linked management bonuses to warranty cost reductions. Ford, for example, reduced the bonuses paid to several top executives in 2000 because they did not adequately reduce warranty costs. This pressure to decrease the cost of quality defects flowed through the automotive supply chain. Automakers pushed the cost of quality defects down the supply chain to the various suppliers. Metalcraft’s Sourcing Process Selecting a supplier for a new component was an important task for Metalcraft. Once awarded a production contract, the supplier had the right to sell the component to Metalcraft for as long as the part was in production (typically 4 years). The selection process consisted of the following steps. The product design engineer was presented with a set of basic requirements for the component. The details included cost targets, weight targets, and performance targets. ? The product engineer developed a design and engineering drawing for the new component using analytical tools and prior experience. ? The product engineer forwarded his engineering drawing to a supplier or prototype fabrication shop for sample production and testing. ? The product engineer prepared a final, detailed drawing of the new component and forwarded it to the buyer. ? The buyer distributed copies of the component drawing to several suppliers who were on the preferred list and issued a request for quote (RFQ). ? Suppliers submitted their quotes for tooling and variable costs to the buyer. ? The buyer evaluated quotes based on several criteria, paying special attention to the overall sourcing strategy for the commodity. Cost analysis included the lowest landed cost, currency impact (if applicable), productivity history, and long-term agreement considerations. Tooling analysis included hard and soft tooling costs, capacity requirements, and program timing constraints. Other considerations in the sourcing decision included the supplier's minority status and their technical capability. Historical quality and delivery performance, which were readily available from scorecard, were always considered prior to a sourcing decision being made. The commodity sourcing strategy team that was composed of the buyer, the SD engineer, the product engineer, and a manufacturing plant representative discussed the best supplier to produce the component. The buyer then made the sourcing decision, with little direct contact with the supplier afterwards. ? The quality control process began during the product’s design phase. The process consisted of the following steps. The product design engineer determined both the physical and the performance characteristics that impacted the part’s functionality or appearance. He then set appropriate limits for these characteristics. ? The product design engineer and the plant manufacturing engineer determined a method to evaluate these characteristics on parts shipped to the Metalcraft plant and the frequency with which these checks should occur. ? The plant manufacturing engineer prepared a “Control Plan” that specified how the quality checks would be performed on incoming parts. He reviewed the plan with the plant quality department. ? Both the product engineer and the plant quality department reviewed and approved the Control Plan prior to the start of production. ? Once in production, the plant quality department implemented the quality checks per the Control Plan and recorded the results on a control chart. The control chart was typically reviewed on a regular basis (e.g., during the monthly plant quality review). ? The quality checks on incoming parts varied widely. Less critical parts, such as rubber vent hoses, may have only received a visual inspection once per shipment per ship, or not at all. Other more significant and/or more expensive parts (e.g., cylinder heads) received more rigorous quality checks for dimensions, weight, and/or airflow measurements performed on a flow bench. Metalcraft’s Supplier Scorecard Metalcraft hoped to address the control issues in the supply-chain with its internet-based scorecard. To be successful as a Tier 1 automotive components supplier, Metalcraft needed an extremely low defect rate. The large automakers demanded zero defects from their suppliers. The system provided a single, worldwide reference point on supplier performance along three dimensions: quality, timing, and delivery. The scorecard also provided contact information for the supplier. The new scorecard improved upon previous supplier rating systems. Rather than rating suppliers only after a single audit, the system continuously evaluated a supplier’s performance along several metrics. According to Mark Lechter, Metalcraft’s Corporate Supplier Development (SD) Manager: “Our best performing suppliers will now be known as “Preferred” based on ongoing quality performance data as captured by [the Metalcraft Supplier] Scorecard rather than as “Q1” which was based on performance at a point in time.”3 The Scorecard Operation Data was entered onto the scorecard daily from a legacy system called the Corporate Materials Management System (CMMS). The scorecard used this information to calculate most of the performance metrics for quality, timing, and delivery. The CMMS system was used for many 3 Mark Lechter, Memo to All Metalcraft Suppliers, Metalcraft Supplier Scorecard Website, October 16, 2000. transactions in the materials procurement process, including the electronic receipt of customer orders and the electronic placement of orders with suppliers. Exhibit 4 illustrates the inputs, process, and outputs for the scorecard. Since most of the required data was available from the legacy system, little information had to be manually entered onto the scorecard. Scorecard Metrics The scorecard classified the supplier performance metrics into: quality, timing, and delivery. These metrics were evaluated at both the individual plant level and the aggregate supplier level, and numerical ratings were assigned. Exhibit 5 presents a sample scorecard for a large supplier that shipped to Metalcraft from 18 plants. Metalcraft rated 10 plants Green (Preferred), five Yellow (Non- Preferred), and three Red (Non-Preferred). The color recommendations (i.e., Green, Yellow, and Red) indicated the degree to which Metalcraft recommended sourcing future business from these plants based on their quality rating. Several measures of plant performance were weighted to derive the quality rating (see Exhibit 6). The quality rating summarized each plant’s performance on a monthly basis. Plants with quality ratings above 70 were designated as Green; plants with quality ratings between 50 and 69 were Yellow; and plants below 50 were Red. Except for the summary of the plant quality ratings, the individual plant level scorecard paralleled the summary scorecard. Exhibit 7 shows a sample scorecard for a single supplier plant. The top section of the scorecard provided a summary of the quality systems in place (i.e., PPAP Level, QS9000 status, and QOS/BOS status) and the last date of certification for each. The sample plant was designated as Non-Preferred Red due to its low quality rating of 47. Contact information for the plant management team was listed below the quality system information. The remainder of the scorecard was divided into three sections that rated the plant’s performance in terms of quality, timing, and delivery. Quality The quality section comprised three areas: overall quality, launch quality rejects (QRs), and defect rates. The overall quality rating for the plant was based on points awarded for various aspects of quality and performance. After the quality rating, the scorecard listed the supplier’s performance in Launch QRs. This section detailed the number of problems that were reported in the production startup phase for a new component. In a typical new vehicle program, several levels of prototype vehicles were built for testing and validation, the first of which is the Confirmation Prototype (CP). Launch rejects or QRs were tracked from the CP until 15 days after the start of full production (J1+15). Defects were common at the start of production, early production problems were very costly and higher production volumes after the launch phase masked the significance of the startup problems that were encountered. Consequently, the scorecard explicitly emphasized the achievement of high quality levels in the launch phase by separating launch problems from the normal production issues. Finally, the quality section displayed the defect rate measured in parts per million (PPM). Dividing the number of defective parts (i.e., the number of parts returned, scrapped, or reworked) by the total number of parts received and multiplying by one million resulted in the PPM. The scorecard classified defects as fit or function rejects, miscellaneous non-conformance rejects, and not to print rejects. The scorecard provided several hyperlinks to additional QR information. Exhibit 8 presents an example of the detailed information available on the three QRs issued against the sample plant in October 2000. The QR information listed the Metalcraft part number for the defective part, the QR number, a description of the defect, the Metalcraft plant that rejected the part, and the total number of scrapped or rejected parts. Metalcraft and the supplier used this information to resolve the problem and prevent a recurrence. Timing The timing section of the scorecard tracked the supplier’s ability to meet promised dates for the certification of new components for production. Parts produced from a low volume prototype process often differed considerably from parts produced from a high volume, mass production process. Consequently, it was important to verify that all new automotive components manufactured using the final production process met the initial requirements. A detailed certification process, the Production Process Approval Plan (PPAP), was used to verify that components produced using the final production process adhered to engineering specifications. After verification that the new parts met all specifications, a Production Sample Warrant (PSW) was issued, permitting the components to be used on vehicles for sale to the public. If a supplier failed to certify and issue the PSW for a component, costly program delays may have resulted. Delivery The third metric on the scorecard was delivery. Metalcraft incurred significant losses if a supplier failed to deliver parts on time. Production schedules were generally set at least one week in advance. If the required parts did not arrive on time, the production schedule was revised. If this occurred, Metalcraft employees often had to work overtime to build the required parts and deliver them to Metalcraft’s customers on time. In addition, these parts were often shipped in an expedited manner to ensure that they arrived at the customer’s plant in time to avoid a costly auto assembly plant shut down. Consequently, delivery delays typically resulted in three sources of incremental cost: rescheduling costs, overtime production costs, and expedited delivery costs. Like the quality rating, delivery was scored on a 100-point scale. Points were awarded based on the supplier’s delivery performance in six areas (see Exhibit 9 for Caltek’s Delivery Rating and Exhibit 10 for the delivery performance measurements). The delivery rating was updated monthly based on performance inputs from the CMMS system. Because the supplier plants typically shipped to many Metalcraft plants, a delivery rating was assigned for each Metalcraft division that a supplier shipped to. The Westburry plant in Exhibit 7 only shipped to the Metalcraft Interior/Exterior Systems (IES) division. Hence, there was only one listing under the delivery section. Use of the Scorecard The scorecard provided a central location to aggregate supplier performance data. Geographically dispersed Metalcraft employees and suppliers accessed the information via the Internet. The following business functions utilized the scorecard: buyers, plant quality engineers, supplier development (SD) engineers, suppliers, and various “casual” users in the Metalcraft organization. Buyers When Metalcraft won a new contract, it formed a multi-functional program management team with representation from purchasing, engineering, quality, and planning. The purchasing representative obtained quotes for the required parts, negotiated the terms, and recommended a supplier to the program management team. Buyers held the ultimate responsibility for supplier selection. Their compensation depended on the percentage of price reductions negotiated and the final price relative to targets set by the program management team. The buyers therefore desired a clear picture of both the cost and quality implications associated with sourcing one supplier over another for an automotive component. Because the buyer and supplier personnel frequently changed jobs, it was difficult for buyers to become personally acquainted with each supplier. Furthermore, most suppliers had multiple production facilities and shipped components to various Metalcraft facilities around the world. The production facilities often differed significantly and impacted the final quality of the component. Prior to the scorecard, the buyers made sourcing decisions with limited information. The buyer solicited the product engineer and the manufacturing plant manager for input about the various suppliers. Often, the assessments differed substantially. For example, the product engineer may have had a favorable opinion of a supplier due to the supplier’s ability to provide prototype parts or assist with engineering analyses. However, the manufacturing plant manager may have assessed the supplier negatively due to recent quality issues and/or delivery delays. Consequently, the buyer made the related sourcing decision based on conflicting information. The scorecard provided objective metrics on competing suppliers over a period of time. In selecting a supplier, the buyer could select a “green” vendor without any problems. However, the buyer needed to obtain the quality manager’s approval to source from a “yellow” supplier and management’s approval to source from a “red” vendor. As the parameters for the rankings tightened, the list of approved vendors diminished. Mark Mueller said, “The scorecard helped me obtain information about a set of suppliers. The data was reliable and sufficiently detailed. However, the constantly changing standards constricted the supplier base too much. It was difficult for me to negotiate lower prices from such a small set of suppliers.” Plant Quality Engineers The plant quality engineers ensured that the parts received into the Metalcraft plants were high quality and defect free. A typical Metalcraft plant received 1.0 million parts daily from approximately 200 different suppliers. Many of the quality problems were discovered upon arrival at the Metalcraft plant. Such problems typically resulted from problems in the supplier’s production process or occurred in transit to the Metalcraft plant. After identifying a problem, the plant quality engineer notified the supplier plant via phone and FAX of the problem. A Quality Reject (QR) was initiated in the Metalcraft Corporate Materials Management System (CMMS) and the supplier was charged for both the defective parts and the cost of re-work that was required at the Metalcraft plant. Data from the CMMS system was transferred to the scorecard, and the defect PPM and other metrics were updated (see Exhibit 11). Once the QR is entered into CMMS all 4 individuals listed on the Scorecard were automatically informed of the QR via email. The plant quality engineers used the scorecard in several ways. First, the scorecard provided a historical perspective of problems that could be used to identify recurring defects resulting from the supplier’s production process. Second, the quality engineers could observe QRs that were issued from other Metalcraft plants. Consequently, they could address problems that were infrequent at a single plant but were significant when aggregated across the entire Metalcraft network. Finally, Metalcraft communicated quality problems to the supplier’s top management via the scorecard. Because the scorecard listed the supplier’s plant manager and quality manager, Metalcraft engineers could directly contact the supplier’s management team when they required a rapid response (see Exhibit 12). On an ongoing basis, the department identified problem suppliers and contacted the supplier to discuss the issues. Ellie Smith said that the scorecard, “improved awareness about supplier performance. However, it did not result in increased responsiveness. Additionally, the scorecard did not have detailed data and query functions that would be useful in evaluating and selecting suppliers. For example, it would be helpful to obtain data by product line or to access the defects for the UN93 truck versus the Focus car line.” Consequently, Ellie maintained his own Access database. He stated, “The supplier scorecard has no effect on what I do.” Ellie believed that buyers selected suppliers primarily based on the negotiated price. It was his job “to turn the supplier into a high-quality supplier.” In Ellie’s opinion, the quality department employees were not directly involved in purchasing decisions though they input the data into the scorecard. Plants and suppliers had PPM goals each period and were expected to show improvements over time. Ellie stated, “Most suppliers are concerned with what their PPM number is. Suppliers are now better informed and awareness is higher. Upper management of the suppliers did not previously receive copies of QR reports. They used to call and say that they never received the QR notification faxes that our plants were supposed to send to them. Now, the suppliers receive electronic notification for each QR entered into Scorecard and they can log into the scorecard system 24/7 to access current performance information.” Sometimes, Ellie had to use a lot of judgment to prevent overreaction. “I hear from suppliers every month regarding their numbers. Some suppliers are not interested in trouble-shooting. Rather, these suppliers try to negotiate their numbers. Often, I do negotiate PPM and QR numbers if the supplier exhibits an upward trend in performance or if the situation was a one-time shot.” He further clarified, “My plant incoming PPM was at 540 PPM with a goal of 60 PPM. If I didn’t exclude one time spikes, my incoming PPM could be 2000 PPM. So, in the past when I rejected a lot of bolts from one of my better suppliers, I excluded this information from the scorecard reject quantity detail. Rather, I put the information in the descriptions column of the scorecard and explained that the parts rejected number did not include the returned bolts because this was a one-time event. This helped prevent a one-time event from causing a good supplier to be downgraded. Now, I also have an option to code a QR as a reject type SI that does not count against the suppliers QR or PPM performance. On the other hand, if I decide to penalize the supplier, I may initially enter the full lot quantity as the QR reject quantity with my intent being to revise the reject quantity to match the actual number of defective parts in the lot following the supplier's sort. Everyone has been a bad supplier at some point in time. I am most concerned with repeat offenders. When someone is a repeat offender, we insist that an eight-discipline problem solving methodology be followed to assure that the true root cause is defined. Although, if we all sit down together to discuss a problem supplier, it is usually too late.” Supplier Development (SD) Engineers SD engineers were among the most frequent users of the scorecard. A typical SD engineer provided technical assistance to more than 50 different Metalcraft suppliers. The scorecard helped the engineers consistently evaluate the performance of each supplier and identify areas that needed attention. SD engineers were not physically located in Metalcraft plants. As a result, they often did not learn of problems until they were significant. At that time, the SD engineer was called upon to resolve the situation. The scorecard allowed the SD engineers to check supplier performance daily and offered the opportunity to recognize problems earlier. Suppliers Suppliers wanted to ensure that their scores remained high and that the scores in the system accurately reflected their performance. The scorecard helped suppliers guide internal improvement, monitor the health of their relationship with Metalcraft, and strengthen their competitive position in future bids for new business. Jack Dawkins, a quality control manager at one of Metalcraft’s suppliers explained, “We look at the scorecard on a monthly basis. All of our customers have some scorecard system – Metalcraft, Ford, GM, and Delphi. In all cases we log into the customer website to get updated data on QRs and quality concerns. That’s how we learn about quality problems. We then react to it. Delivery people also look at Metalcraft’s scorecard.” He Some suppliers believed that the purchasing department selected the vendor that they wanted in the end, regardless of the supplier’s score. Additionally, they thought it unlikely that Metalcraft would pull business if a given supplier’s score dropped below acceptable levels. As one supplier explained, Metalcraft would “make life difficult” and the drop in quality may impact future sourcing decisions. Jack Dawkins expressed dissatisfaction with Metalcraft’s reliance on the numbers in the system and the manner in which disputes were handled. He described a recent situation that he faced with Metalcraft, “Metalcraft recently rejected 75 parts from my company because the parts were dirty. However, the parts were clean when they left my company. When I called to defend my position, no discussion occurred. Rather, I was told ‘Tough luck. You got what you got.’ ” Jack was displeased. In his opinion, his company’s “liability ends when our parts are on your truck. Yet we get charged for the 75 pieces that had bird manure on them even though it was fine when we put it on their truck.” Other users Many other employees at Metalcraft could potentially use, and some did use, the scorecard system on a casual basis. Product engineers sometimes evaluated potential suppliers for prototype sourcing based on the information generated on the scorecard. Manufacturing engineers referenced past supplier performance to determine the need for proactively ensuring that deadlines were met. Finally, Metalcraft managers accessed the system when they were selecting strategic partners on new projects. The information contained in the system was helpful in all of these situations. Darrell Bonds was not an avid user of the system. He stated, “Most product engineers were probably not aware of the scorecard’s existence. The website was nice, but the acronyms and the supplier codes were not defined. Metalcraft needed to do a better job advertising the scorecard system and explaining its use to Metalcraft management.” Going Forward The Metalcraft Supplier Scorecard altered the management and control of Metalcraft’s supply chain. Employees were given access to objective measures of supplier performance and could base decisions on this information. During 2000, Metalcraft improved product quality, measured as defective parts per million, by 44%. A portion of this increase could be attributed to the supplier scorecard. The scorecard enabled information sharing across multiple activities within Metalcraft and with its suppliers. The widespread use of the system highlighted the value of the system. However, the scorecard also had some limitations. Mark Lechter sat in his office after the meeting, wondering which supplier Mark would select. He, Ellie, and Darrell had expressed their opinions; now the decision was in Mark’s hands. He contemplated ways to change the scorecard in light of the rubber vent hose sourcing decision. Should metrics be added or subtracted from the scorecard? What criteria should he use to consistently evaluate metrics? How could he ensure that all information was reflected accurately on the scorecard? In our efforts to maintain our drive for continuous quality and delivery improvement with our customers, it is essential for Metalcraft to take ongoing revitalization actions to increase the capability of our supply base with the intent of sourcing only the best. This bulletin contains actions that will be taken outside of the Quality Performance Rating that could impact your eligibility with respect to being sourced new business. In May of 1999, Metalcraft launched the Supplier Scorecard External website that allowed suppliers access to their specific Quality and Delivery performance metrics. In March of 2000, the Quality Performance Rating (QPR) status was added for each active supplier location. Suppliers are expected to proactively monitor their performance and to implement timely corrective actions that will improve their Quality Performance Rating towards achieving Preferred / Green status. In January 2001, it was communicated that greater emphasis would be placed on Quality ratings as follows (titles shown in italics have been revised to reflect the new Materials Management organization): "If your QPR is 70 or higher your site will be classified as “Preferred / Green” in terms of quality. If you are the sourcing choice, you can be sourced with no restriction. If your QPR is between 50 and 69, your site will be classified as “Non-Preferred/Yellow” which may put you on the Metalcraft Supplier No-Quote List. Sourcing to a “Yellow” site may proceed but only after a Non-Preferred Sourcing Approval Request form has been initiated by the Commodity Buyer and has been approved by the assigned Supplier Development (SD) Engineer (formerly known as SD Engineer). If your QPR is less than 50 your site will be classified as “Non-Preferred / Red” which will place you on the Metalcraft Supplier No-Quote List. In the event that we must source to a “Red” site, sourcing may proceed only after a Non-Preferred Sourcing Approval Request form has been initiated by the Commodity Buyer and has been approved by the assigned SD Engineer, the Commodity Purchasing Manager, the Supplier Development Engineering Manager, and the Materials Management Vice President. Supplier sites that are at “Red” status for more than 3 consecutive months will be considered as candidates for resourcing." The following specific conditions related to the Quality Performance Rating and other specified factors, which will be considered irrespective of QPR, will automatically result in a supplier being placed on the Metalcraft Supplier No-Quote. Please be aware that once a supplier site is placed on the No-Quote List because it is Red Non-Preferred, it will remain on the list until it has demonstrated "Green" or "Yellow" performance for three consecutive months.

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