
How are the different functional models related and how

BOOk : SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN : An Object-Oriented Approach with UML By DENNIS and WIXOM and TEGARDEN.

Chapter 4 Business Process and Functional Modeling

Questions :

3. Why do we strive to have about three to nine major use cases in a business process?

24. What is a walkthrough? How does it relate to verifcation and validation?

26. How are the different functional models related, and how does this aff ect the verifcation and validation of the models?


C. Draw a use-case diagram and a set of activity diagrams for the process of buying glasses from the viewpoint of the patient. Te frst step is to see an eye doctor who will give you a prescription. Once you have a prescription, you go to an optical dispensary, where you select your frames and place the order for your glasses. Once the glasses have been made, you return to the store for a f tting and pay for the glasses.


2. Professional and Scientifc Staff Management (PSSM) is a unique type of temporary stafng agency. Many organizations today hire highly skilled technical employees on a short-term, temporary basis to assist with special projects or to provide a needed technical skill. PSSM negotiates contracts with its client companies in which it agrees to provide temporary staff in specifc job categories for a specif ed cost.

For example, PSSM has a contract with an oil and gas exploration company in which it agrees to supply geologists with at least a master’s degree for $5,000 per week. PSSM has contracts with a wide range of companies and can place almost any type of professional or scientifc staff members, from computer programmers to geologists to astrophysicists.

When a PSSM client company determines that it will need a temporary professional or scientifc employee, it issues a stafng request against the contract it had previously negotiated with PSSM. When PSSM’s contract manager receives a stafng request, the contract number referenced on the stafng request is entered into the contract database. Using information from the database, the contract manager reviews the terms and conditions of the contract and determines whether the stafng request is valid. Te staffing request is valid if the contract has not expired, the type of professional or scientif c employee requested is listed on the original contract, and the requested fee falls within the negotiated fee range.

If the stafng request is not valid, the contract manager sends the stafng request back to the client with a letter stating why the stafng request cannot be f lled, and a copy of the letter is fled. If the stafng request is valid, the contract manager enters the stafng request into the stafng request database as an outstanding stafng request. Te stafng request is then sent to the PSSM placement department.

In the placement department, the type of staff member, experience, and qualifcations requested on the staf ng request are checked against the database of available professional and scientifc staff. If a qualif ed individual is found, he or she is marked “reserved” in the staff database. If a qualifed individual cannot be found in the database or is not immediately available, the placement department creates a memo that explains the inability to meet the stafng request and attaches it to the stafng request. All stafng requests are then sent to the arrangements department.

In the arrangements department, the prospective temporary employee is contacted and asked to agree to the placement. Afer the placement details have been worked out and agreed to, the staff member is marked “placed” in the staff database. A copy of the stafng
request and a bill for the placement fee is sent to the client. Finally, the stafng request, the “unable-to-fll” memo (if any), and a copy of the placement fee bill are sent to the contract manager.

If the stafng request was f lled, the contract manager closes the open staff ing request in the stafng request database. If the stafng request could not be f lled, the client is notifed. Te stafng request, placement fee bill, and unable-to fll memo are then f led in the contract ofce.

a. Create a use-case diagram for the system described here.

b. Create a set of activity diagrams for the business processes described here.

c. For each major use case identif ed in the use-case diagram, develop both an overview and a detail use-case description.

d. Verify and validate the functional models.

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Management Information Sys: How are the different functional models related and how
Reference No:- TGS02644207

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