
How are the authors and filmmaker view of family expressed

Consider families and their function ( and dysfunctions) in Together, Naive Super, The Dwarf and Babette's Feast

How are the authors' and filmmaker' view of family expressed through these texts and films? what are examples of successful families in these works, that is, which families support their members, enabling individual members to grow while also promoting the general good of the family unit? Which families are failures? Why are they failures? Please be specific ( For this question, a "family" need not be a traditional unclear type- father,mother,children.)

Reading - 

Par Lagerkvist, The Dwarf

Erlend Loe, Naive. super

Film -

Gabriel Axel, Babette's Feast (1987)

Lukas Moodysoon, Together (2000)

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Essay Writing: How are the authors and filmmaker view of family expressed
Reference No:- TGS0606169

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