How are supreme court judges selected in Texas?
Elections serve a number of functions in a democratic society. Identify them.
Who said, "Man is a political animal"?
Identify the several factors used to determine who votes. (Make sure you know the one particular model used by political scientists and pollsters).
Identify the many reasons why Texas has low voter turnout.
When it comes to political participation Verba & Nie identified six types of participants. Be able to list and define them.
Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding "same-day" voter registration?
How does Texas compare to the rest of the country in terms of percentage of eligible voters who actually vote?
What is the impact of Texas political culture on political participation?
In Texas, how long prior to an election must you register in order to be eligible to vote?
Why was Texas's 2011 voter ID law rejected by the U.S. Justice Department?
Which group was the primary supporter of the white primary in Texas?
Which of the following elections would typically have a higher voter turnout?
What is the most common form of political participation?
With the growth of the Internet, what has become one of the easiest ways to participate in politics?
What are the legal requirements for voting in Texas?
What are the two most fundamental redistricting question?
The U.S. Census is important for what three reasons?
To qualify for minor-party status, a party must have won at least __ percent of the votes in a race for statewide office in the last general election.
When did the Texas legislature change the rules to allow anyone to vote absentee without restrictions?
Why has the Catholic vote in Texas migrated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party?
In the early twentieth century, candidates in Texas running for statewide office could have extremely inconsistent messages depending where they were campaigning in the state. Why?
Today the regulation of campaign finances in Texas is limited to the requirement that all candidates and PACs file reports with the _____.
What are the three different forms of city government? Identify the strength and weakness of each form.