This is a Rogerian Essay on the following topic: Test Scores Should Not Be Enough to Evaluate A Child's Progress
Follow the pattern of the outline and include the quote from the work cited.
Essay should be at least 900 words not including work cited page.
Must have 4 other scholarly references not including the one provided.
I. Introduction and thesis -
II. Background Info
a. History of testing in public schools
b. How are students' test scores are utilized?
III. Show Understanding of Opposition - Scores should be used to evaluate a child's progress.
a. Fairly present and show value of first reason of other side
b. Fairly present and show value of second reason of other side
IV. Assert your Position - Scores should not be used to evaluate a child's progress. a. First reason
b. Second reason
V. Demonstrate Common Ground
a. Show concessions in some situations based on context
b. Show higher interest, goal, or benefit achieved
VI. Conclusion
a. Summary
b. Implications
Works Cited
Center for Public Education (2007). Measuring student growth: A guide to informed decision making.
According to The Center for Public Education (2007), "Whether it's reported as a number or a letter grade, it tells us basically the same thing-how well students have learned certain subject matter or skills at one point in time. However, a score does not typically tell us how far students grew academically to produce that number or grade."