
How are stereo photographs produced

Assignment: A Virtual Visit to an Exhibit at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum


1) Who took the kite photograph of the San Francisco earthquake?

2) Name 2 men who took photos from rockets in the 1890-1910 time period.

3) Who patented the first "pigeon camera?"

4) Who took the first successful aerial photograph in the U.S.? When and where?

5) Who used balloons for Civil War reconnaissance?

6) What was the difference in purpose between the Moby Dick Program and the Explorer II Program?

7) What was the name of stadium where the Goodyear Blimp took a photograph of a night game?

8) Who took the first aerial photograph used in journalism?

9) Name 4 specific areas/objects in geology where aerial photography was used.

10) What supplied the aerial photograph of the pyramids of Giza?

11) Name 3 natural disasters surveyed by aerial photography.

12) What was Ida?

13) What is the purpose of airborne radar? Why is it useful?

14) How are stereo photographs produced?

15) What information did the aerial photographs of Neville Island, PA provide to environmentalists? Briefly summarize the changes in the aerial photographs of this area.

16) Who was Sherman Fairchild?

17) What were some of George Goddard's major contributions?

18) What role did aerial photography play in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

19) Name 4 geological features photographed by the Landsat satellite.

20) Who took the photograph of the Atlas Mountains of North Africa in 1962?

21) How was the Landsat Thematic Mapper used to study the 1993 Missouri River Flood?

22) What is the name of the Galapagos Island volcano photographed with SIR-CIX/S-SAR radar imagery?

23) What is Seasat?

24) What has been monitored since 1987 using the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program? What does red represent in these images?

25) What river is shown emptying into the Gulf of California in a Skylab 3 photograph?

26) I want your opinion-it will NOT affect your grade on this lab unless you leave it blank. What are the pros and cons of this "field trip"?

Conclusion: Read/examine the Lab Report-Sample. You will need to write a few sentences summarizing your reports.

Attachment:- National Air and Space Museum.rar

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Other Subject: How are stereo photographs produced
Reference No:- TGS02096211

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