
How are salts responsible for the temporary and permanent


1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Five questions from Section - B & C.
3) Select atleast any Two questions from Section - B & C.

Section - A

a) How are salts responsible for the temporary and permanent hardness of water? Explain.
b) Aluminium corrodes in alkaline medium but iron does not. Explain.
c) Though ammonia does not contain any hydroxyl ion but still it is a base, explain.
d) Explain the type of corrosion with evolution of hydrogen ions.
e) Pitting corrosion is dangerous, explain.
f) Indicate the number and type of 1H-NMR signals expected in CH,-CH=CH2.
g) Differentiate between bathochromic and hypsochromic shifts.
h) Explain UV - Transitions.
i) Define quantum yield and explain with specific examples.
j) Define phase, component and degrees of freedom.

Section - B

Q2) Name the impurities causing temporary and permanent hardness Describe any one process for the removal of hardness.

Q3) Write short notes on :

(a) Sacrificial anodic protection.
(b) Erosion corrosion

Q4) Explain Bronsted-Lowry Theory giving some specific examples.

Q5) Define a cell. Distinguish between electrochemical and electrolytic c ell citing some specific examples.

Section - C

Q6) How do you distinguish between different types of transitions involved in UV-V I S spectrophotometry?

Q7) Explain the shielding and deshielding process in NMR- spectroscopy with some suitable examples

Q8) Describe the Phase-Rule Diagram or Water-System.

Q9) Write short notes on the following :

(a) Photosensitized reactions.
(b) Liquid-liquid Phase Diagram. 

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Chemistry: How are salts responsible for the temporary and permanent
Reference No:- TGS01419599

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