
How are pseudoarchaeology and racism linked


Answer any two (2) of the following questions in a 2 to 3 page double spaced paper EACH (1-inch margins, double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font). Use information from class lectures, discussions, in-class texts, and outside sources to support your arguments. Be sure to use proper citation procedures and include a list of references cited (in addition to your 2 to 3 page answers).

1. How are pseudoarchaeology and racism linked? Providing two examples from class (lecture, readings, videos, etc.) discuss how some pseudoarchaeological beliefs promote racist ideas and are even utilized by racist groups to promote their agenda.

2. Why is it important to study pseudoarchaeology? What relevance does it have in our world filled with disinformation, misinformation and fake news? Provide two examples from class that highlight how and why the study of pseudoarchaeology is relevant to our world today.

3. The Cardiff Giant and the Piltdown Man are two of the most famous pseudoarchaeological hoaxes, and both rose to prominence at about the same time. What was the historical, social, and political context of these hoaxes, and why were they so popular? How did each of these two hoaxes follow Feder's rules of hoaxing?

4. Read the following article and answer these questions: how

1. https://www.thedailybeast.com/anti-catholic-porn-producer-scammed-harvard-professor-with-gospel-of-jesus-wife (Links to an external site.)

5. How do we define weird things? Why do people believe weird things? Why do people promote weird things? What are some of the negative consequences of promoting and believing weird things? Use 1-2 examples from class in your answer.

6. Feder claims there are three underlying assumptions to Erich von Daniken's Alien Theory. Discuss these three assumptions and provide at least one archaeological example and pseudo-archaeological interpretation of each. Using archaeological evidence from lecture and readings discuss why each example you have chosen does not support von Daniken's assumptions.

7. Discuss the different categories of evidence for evolution that we have. Provide at least one example in each category. Evaluate two claims made by creationists. Briefly discuss the strategies used by creationists to introduce their beliefs into the US public education system or to limit the teaching of evolution and how these have changed over the last century.

8. Discuss the connection between archaeology, ideology, hegemony, and nation states. Define each. Discuss at least one example in detail.

9. List and describe the five major elements of the Moundbuilder myth and use John Wesley Powell and Cyrus Thomas's archaeological, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic research to explain why each of these elements are false.

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History: How are pseudoarchaeology and racism linked
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