
How are personality tests and employment linked


Discuss below in a 250 words:

Visit the Free Personality Test website. There you will find a variety of personality tests such as "Are you a Type A?"; the "Stress O Meter"; and other IQ and personality tests. Most are free and often fun to take. Take one or two of your choice. Then, address the following in your initial post:

Share the results in the discussion forum and whether or not you feel the results are valid.

Explain how are personality tests and employment linked? Why would an employer or employee be interested in the results of a personality test? (Visit the HR Guide to the Internet website for additional information.)

Use citations from the textbook and one scholarly source to define the concept and to support your analysis and your choice of application. List the sources for citations at the bottom of the response.

Review the book: Organizational behavior by Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A.Judge

Review the chapter:Personality and values

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Operation Management: How are personality tests and employment linked
Reference No:- TGS02038010

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