
How are human and resources arranged within organisation



For any organization in the context of the modern day business environment, it is of utmost importance that a very effective nd efficient process for management of the change initiatives is maintained within the company. Especially in view of the fact that the trends for the consumer demands as well as the various othaer internal and external environmental factors for the compose these days change quite rapidly, it may not be possible for the business entities to ensure the profitability and long term sustenance of the firm.

In this report, a discussion will be done on the change management related to a specific firm which has been chosen as Nokia for this report.

This specific company has been chosen in view of the fact this is one of the major companies in the global commutations and technology industry and the company has undergone multiple change management processes with a lot of success. Hence this company will be a relevant choice for this specific discussion.

Some of the factors of this organization which will be looked through the course of this current report will be the following:

• Organisational Profile

• Organisational Structure

• Change Drivers

• Key Stakeholders

Prepare and submit a final version of your project report that contains the following sections:

Organisational Profile: what is the name of the organisation you propose to use, where is it located, what is its primary business and approximately how many staff does it employ?

Organisational Structure: how are human and other resources arranged within this organisation, what levels of seniority exist and how are those levels of seniority connected through formal reporting lines? (A structure diagram would be useful here.) To what extent is the decision process centralised in the senior management team, and to what extent is it devolved to lower levels in the organisation?

Change Drivers: What are the factors in either or both of the external or internal operating environments, which suggest a significant element of change, are needed to the way in which this organisation works?

Key Stakeholders: who are the individuals, groups and organisations who will be most directly affected by the type of change that is indicated by change driver analysis?

Change Initiative Overview: what is the primary aim of the change initiative that you recommend be introduced, and how should this initiative be classified?

Key Success Factors: what specific factors and/or influences will you need to take into account in order to ensure maximum chances of a successful implementation, and what are the principal implications of those factors on the way that your change initiative is designed?

Change Initiative Process: what process will you follow to ensure that the planned change initiative is successfully implemented within the allocated time span? What steps will you include in this process in order to enhance the chances of success in this project? To what extent will technology be used in the implementation of this process?

Stakeholder Reactions: to what extent do you expect each stakeholder's reaction to be positive or negative? How do you plan to deal with those reactions? What ethical considerations will need to be taken into account during this process?

Evaluation and Assessment: how will you measure the extent to which the project is deemed to be successful, and when will this evaluation be carried out?

Your final Module Project report should be approximately 2,000 to 2,500 words in length

Review the material studied during the seven weeks of this module.

Review the feedback received on your Module Project proposal submitted in Week 3, and your Module Project outline submitted in Week 5. Ensure you incorporate any feedback suggestions into the final Module Project report you present in response to this week's requirement.

The instructor feedback one previous submittal:

In this draft, you have nicely introduced the organization to be analyzed. In addition, you have accurately and clearly described the organizational structure implemented in this organization. However, you could have better reflected on how this structure affects the process of the decision-making as well as on the centralization of the decision-making process. The discussion re the change drivers is good. However, you could have better classify them. For the purposes of this project, you should have also reflected on the punctuated equilibrium theory and its applicability in Nteflix. The last two parties of the module projects were ill-analyzed.

Let me know if I can be of anymore help.

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HR Management: How are human and resources arranged within organisation
Reference No:- TGS02997048

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