
How are dionysus and oedipus alike

1. Pick one of the following works and discuss the ways in which it reflects the values of Greek humanism and individualism: the Iliad; Pericles' Funeral Speech; Plato's Apology.

2. How do peripeteia and anagnorisis contribute to a good tragedy? In your answer, make sure you use examples from one of the three tragedies we studied in class. Anagnorisis is a moment in a play or other work when a character makes a critical discovery. Peripeteia is a reversal of circumstances, or turning point.

3. Compare and contrast: How are Dionysus and Oedipus alike? Different?

4. Compare and contrast: How does the god Apollo function as a character in the Iliad and in Oedipus Tyrannus? 

5. What Athenian characteristics does Pericles boast about in the Funeral Oration?

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