During his administration, President Obama challenged the nation's community colleges to produce an additional five million certificate and degree completers over the next ten year period, approximately a 50% increase over current levels at that time. Leading foundations are funding a number of initiatives to find ways to bring successful efforts to scale. Leading community college associations have joined in a call to action, promising to assist the colleges to improve completion rates.
Based on the current educational climate - post COVID-19 pandemic, how have colleges and universities addressed lower enrollment rates and limited funding.
• Does everyone really need a college degree?
• Are there ways to increase completion rates without negatively affecting access or quality?
• Is it a good or bad idea to fund higher education institutions based upon performance?
• How are colleges and universities working to bring their students back on their campuses under new protocols after COVID-19.
• What are varying states doing to help fund colleges and universities in the post-pandemic times, as every entity is trying to get students back into college.