
How are baby behaviors in the strange situation


While you watch the strange situation videos, list baby and parent behaviors that distinguish the three different categories of attachment. Answer these, summarizing your thoughts in a 1-2 page writeup (double space): How are baby behaviors in the strange situation similar to or different than the baby monkey behaviors in Harlow's experiments? How do the behaviors in the strange situation (secure behavior, insecure avoidant behavior, insecure resistant behavior) reveal successful or unsuccessful progression through the Bowlby's stages of development of attachment? Rubric for Activity 2: Infant Attachment: Clarity: Well organized paragraph structure, sentence structure. Discussion of similarity between monkeys and humans: Discusses specific behaviors, relating those to attachment. Discussion of Bowlby's stages: Discusses multiple stages and relates success at those stages to behaviors. Connections made among the videos.

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Reference No:- TGS03424021

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