How are anne frank and the syrian girl-refugee similar

Problem: Anne Frank Article

Read the article "Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl" By Nicholas Kristof Syndicated columnist and respond to the questions below using compete sentences and evidence from the text:

• What did you notice about this article?

• What did you learn that you didn't know before after reading this article?

• Should refugees from war-torn countries be allowed to migrate to America? Make a claim and back it up with two reasons to support your claim.

• What is the author's purpose in writing this article?

• How are Anne Frank and the Syrian girl/refugee similar?

• Why did the author include paragraph 5 in the article?

• Based on paragraph 6, why did the Frank family think they could move to America?

• In paragraph 10, what does the word "imperiled" mean?

• In paragraph 11, what are the context clues that help explain the word "xenophobia"?

• How does the author's word choices in paragraph 12 affect the tone? Be sure to provide some examples to explain your ideas.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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English: How are anne frank and the syrian girl-refugee similar
Reference No:- TGS03176549

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