How and why will your proposed plan succeed


A. The current water plan for your city. This might include where water is currently sourced, water distribution systems, population it serves, etc.

B. Your water policy plan, providing some details and rationale.

a. Discuss water source(s) available to the city and if/how you propose to change this.

b. Think through the risks versus benefits associated with your plan (you may consider financial, natural, environmental, political).

c. Provide an assessment of any economic considerations (key negotiations that need to be made? legislation that might be required?)

d. Roughly outline the estimated costs

e. How and why will your proposed plan succeed? And why is it superior to the current plan?

f. Discuss the pros and cons of the city's current water situation, and of your proposed policy.

g. Are there other issues (e.g. cultural, psychological, religious) you anticipate you will need to confront?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How and why will your proposed plan succeed
Reference No:- TGS03166160

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