
How and why did europe expand into the rest of the world

Part I: Essay (50%)

Drawing on your reading, in-class discussions. or any other appropriate sources you may have found, in a concise, well-written and coherent essay answer ONE of the follow ine:

A. How and why did Europe expand into the rest of the world between the beginning of the I5th century and the end of the I8th century? Be sure to discuss not only the most important external forces that led to the expansion but also the internal political, social, economic and technological developments within European civilization that contributed to and resulted from the expansion. How did the civilizations of Asia, Africa and the Americas respond to European expansion? What were the consequences of these varying responses? What was the Columbian Exchange? In what ways did it affect the major civilizations of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe? As always. support your arguments with appropriate specific examples.


B. Analyzing the historical development of the great world civilizations of Eurasia, Africa and the Americas between the le century and the 18t century, explain why European civilization rather than any of the others was the only one to successfully expand overseas and establish a global presence. Be sure to explain what factors, including technological, social. religious, economic and political. may have prevented civilizations in Asia, the Islamic world. Africa and the Americas from expanding overseas. as well as those factors that made European civilization so successful in doing so. As always. be sure to support your arguments with appropriate specific examples.

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History: How and why did europe expand into the rest of the world
Reference No:- TGS0979587

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