Course Text: Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches"Data Analysis and Representation"
In this chapter, Creswell tackles the issue of data analysis by summarizing some of the major approaches to analysis and describing specific analytic procedures that can be used for each of the five approaches. He concludes the chapter by discussing ways that researchers can use qualitative research software (such as NVivo) to facilitate the data analysis process.
- Course Text: Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
"Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation"
Patton addresses the challenging process of analyzing the data that has been gathered during a qualitative research study. Specific points of discussion include techniques for organizing data, detecting patterns and determining data significance, and interpreting and reporting findings.
- Gibbs, G. R., & Taylor, C. (2005). How and What to Code. Retrieved from
This website is a useful resource that contains additional information about coding. You are encouraged to view the media pieces in the sections on Approaches to Starting Coding and Constant Comparison and to complete Exercise A, which will allow you to practice coding text. If you have time, you also have the option of completing Exercise B.
- Software
This week, consider how a software package can assist a researcher in managing the collected data that needs to be coded and analyzed.
Research Toolkit
Qualitative Dissertation Examples
This document contains a list of recent Walden University qualitative dissertations, two of which are award winners that are available in the Walden library.
- Walden University Qualitative Dissertations (Word document)
This week, note the appendices in the dissertations for examples of coding and coding structure.
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