
How an organization operates and accomplishes its goals

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The concept that describes the primary means by which organizations accomplish most of what they do is often referred to as "organizational structure." Organizational structure is an important framework that outlines how various activities, tasks, and responsibilities are distributed, coordinated, and controlled within an organization. It defines the relationships between different individuals, teams, and departments, and it serves as a guide for how information and resources flow throughout the organization.

Some key components are hierarchy, funtional divisions, and span of control. Organizational structures usually involves a hierarchical arrangement, where individuals and groups are organized into levels of authority and responsibility. The top of the hierarchy typically consists of executives, managers, or directors, while lower levels include various functional units and teams. Organizations often divide their operations into different functions or departments based on the type of work. Common functional divisions include marketing, finance, human resources, operations, and research and development. Each department is responsible for specific tasks related to its function. Lastly, span of control is the number of employees that a manager or supervisor can manage. A smaller span of control means less direct reports for each manager, leading to a more hierarchical structure. A larger span of control is a flatter structure with more employees reporting to a single manager.

Organizational structure affects communication patterns within the organization. Clear reporting relationships and well-defined channels of communication makes sure that information flows smoothly and decisions are made promptly. They assigns specific tasks and responsibilities to individuals and groups, making sure accountability for outcomes. Managers are accountable for their teams' performance, and employees are responsible for their designated tasks. The choice of organizational structure can impact an organization's ability to adapt to changes in its environment. A more flexible structure can create quicker responses to market shifts and new opportunities.

Overall, organizational structure allow how an organization operates and accomplishes its goals. While there is no perfect structure, organizations must carefully design and adapt their structures to align with their goals, size, industry, and operating environment. The right structure can help efficiency, create collaboration, and achieve the organization's goals.

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Other Management: How an organization operates and accomplishes its goals
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