Paper provides a thorough and dispassionate critique or analysis of the sources, addressing both the good and bad qualities. The critique addresses how aligned the research questions are to the existing body of knowledge, the appropriateness of the theoretical or conceptual framework within each study, the sufficiency of the methods and design of each study, and the generalizability/transferability of each study's results in other contexts. The paper also provides a critical analysis of the social change implications of each study's findings.
Erkelens, D. C., van Charldorp, T. C., Vinck, V. V., Wouters, L. T., Damoiseaux, R. A., Rutten, F. H., Zwart, D. L., & de Groot, E. (2021). Interactional implications of either/or-questions during telephone triage of callers with chest discomfort in out-of-hours primary care: A conversation analysis. Patient Education and Counseling, 104(2), 308-314.