
How alex director supervisor may provide support

Assignment task: Clearly discuss the areas of improvement required

Set two goals collaboratively with Alex and detail one strategy for each goal that will be implemented to help Alex to be successful in achieving her goals

When setting strategies, consider how Alex's director supervisor (Room Leader, Lakey) may provide support and other supports such as external training may assist.

Note - one strategy of collaboration with an external service has been provided

1. Consult with Alex about any constraints and barriers to working toward these goals and outline some strategies to address these

2. Ensure Alex understands the implications if her performance does not improve

3. Set dates to review Alex's progress and provide ongoing feedback and support 

Identification of issues that may disrupt the work environment

  • Identify service policies, activities or documents that will help in supporting Alex
  • Work collaboratively with Alex to develop goals and strategies to form a plan and agree on how to monitor this over a period of time
  • Use effective communication skills in the role play, including open discussion and active listening

The scenario is below:

It has been a month since you met with Alex about the conflict between her and Lakey. Lakey is the room leader and over the past month has identified a lack of quality in Alex's documentation.

You have personally reviewed Alex's programming documentation and is concerned Alex's work does not meet the service's expectations or standards. You are aware that there are a number of informal notes on Alex's personnel file that indicate this issue has been discussed with her on several occasions.

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Other Management: How alex director supervisor may provide support
Reference No:- TGS03427098

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