
How accurate is the testing


Research high stakes testing which is done as a result of the No Child Left Behind Act. What is required in your state? Does your state require any other testing? Have any districts or schools ever cheated to be able to report a higher score? Can teachers be fired for low student achievement scores of students? What are the issues surrounding this testing?

For instance, is it possible that this could lead to student tracking? How accurate is the testing? Should other measures be used as well? What do you consider to be the top three issues in this testing and how can you deal with those issues in your classroom? What factors would influence your decisions? Does your school district have a policy regarding student achievement and the alignment of state standards with student achievement goals? What does the policy say about qualified personnel ? Has the need for qualified personnel affected schools in any way?

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Other Subject: How accurate is the testing
Reference No:- TGS01932376

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