
How accurate do you believe your calculation will be


Dan is a 20 year old male who currently works in construction. 6'1", 189 pounds with burns in the ICU following an electrical shock on a job site.


Review the following article regarding "Energy Requirements in Critically Ill Patients" by Didace Ndahimana and Eun-Kyung Kim - PMC (nih gov).

1) How would you best calculate Dan current energy and protein needs? Describe

2) Calculate Dan estimated energy needs in kcals and protein needs in grams. How accurate do you believe your calculation will be?

3) Review the following article regarding "The Use of Visceral Proteins as Nutrition Markers: An ASPEN Position Paper - Evans - 2021 - Nutrition in Clinical Practice - Wiley Online Library.10588. Should Chaz's albumin levels be used to categorize his current nutrition status or be used for a diagnosis of malnutrition? Explain.


1) What is Dan greatest nutrition problem at this time? Write a PES statement to reflect this challenge.


1) Do you believe Dan will be able to meet the nutrition needs recommended in your assessment? What barriers if any do you perceive Chaz will face in attempting to meet these needs?

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Other Subject: How accurate do you believe your calculation will be
Reference No:- TGS03325143

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