How accurate are food records

Problem 1: What was the most difficult aspect of completing the four-day food record dietary assessment for you?

Problem 2: How accurate are food records? Explain.

Problem 3: In order to avoid reliance on memory, what is the best way to complete food records?

Problem 4: Which tool would you use and how would you decide which dietary tool is the most appropriate if you were a dietitian who was working with a client with severe intestinal malabsorption, thus likely lacking Vitamin C? Use the dietary methods articles (brief and detailed in the Module section ) information to support your answer.

Problem 5: Were most of your vitamins and minerals from whole food sources (fruits and vegetables) or fortified foods (protein bars/shakes, breakfast cereal, etc.)?

Problem 6: Using the fruit/vegetable screener, are you getting enough fiber? If not, how can you improve on that?

Problem 7: Using the fat screener Do you exceed the recommended fat intake? If you do, list two ways you can change that.

Problem 8: Do you think you need to take a daily vitamin supplement? Why or why not? Hint: This requires some thought. Think about the big picture!

Problem 9: Do you think you need to be taking a Vitamin C supplement, given what you read on the Fact sheet and by analyzing your intake of this Vitamin?

Problem 10: According to the detailed article on Dietary Methods, why is the four-day food record better than seven days or one day?

Problem 11: What is day-of-the week effect and how can you mitigate it when using food records approach to dietary assessment?

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Biology: How accurate are food records
Reference No:- TGS03365506

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