
How according to baker the constitution view is relevant


What is mereology? What are ordinary objects, according to Baker? Why have some philosophers considered mereology to be central to the philosophical investigation of ordinary objects? Explain why Baker disagrees with this assessment and explain how (and why), according to Baker, the "Constitution View" is relevant to this disagreement. Artifacts seem to be different from natural kinds. What, according to Baker, explains this difference? (Baker considers five possible ways of distinguishing artifacts from natural kinds-explain at least two of the five ways.) Explain why some philosophers have claimed that artifacts aren't genuine substances (what, precisely, is their position, and what reasons do they offer in support of this position)? Why does Baker disagree? How is Baker's defense of the ontological status of artifacts relevant here? (Be sure to explain and discuss primary kind properties.) Explain Ritchie's "Goldilocks Constraint" and explain (according to Ritchie) its importance to distinguishing genuine social groups from arbitrary sums of individuals. Ritchie develops a structuralist account of social groups. What are some important features of Ritchie's structuralist account?

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