
How a trauma informed approach to assessment

Q1. Critically analyse how a trauma informed approach to assessment (Loughhead, Rhodes, Baker & Macedo ,2022 pp 101-123) assists in building a therapeutic relationship with the consumer. Include principles of assessment, engagement and collecting valid data.

Q2. Critically analyse Shea's (2017, pp.4-55) model of psychiatric interviewing with specific reference to engagement, collecting valid data and a strength-based approach. Compare and contrast this to the nurses' approach to the mental health nursing assessment in the video.

Q3. Outline and discuss two (2) areas for consideration with regard to collaborating with the client, family, and others in undertaking a mental health assessment. Inclusion of the influence of culture is essential.

Q4. Outline and discuss two (2) legal considerations that need to be considered when undertaking a mental health assessment.

Q5. Outline two (2) ethical considerations the mental health assessment on the video raised for you. What would you do

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Reference No:- TGS03380120

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