
How a teacher can engage the students in an activity


The 12 science processes used in science experiments are divided into two groups:

(1) The basic processes include:

(a) observing

(b) classifying

(c) communicating

(d) measuring

(e) predicting

(f) inferring

(2) The integrated processes include:

(a) identifying and controlling variables

(b) formulating and testing hypotheses

(c) interpreting data

(d) defining operationally

(e) experimenting

(f) constructing models

ii) Create a chart listing each process, the definition of each process, and one example of a science activity for each, in which a teacher can engage the students.

How do these processes support inquiry learning? What role does the teacher's attitude factor in the students' view of science?

iii) One or more of the twelve science processes are embedded in science experiments/lessons. Select a completed science lesson plan available online that includes students interacting through group work or individual experiments.

(1) suggested Web sites, identify any of the 12 science processes you recognize within that written lesson. You will bold the recognized process within the lesson plan, and label the corresponding process. All 12 processes may not be evident in one lesson plan.

(2) Include the lesson plan that you have used for this assignment.

Response is 1,538 words, includes a lesson for 10th grade "build an animal".

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Other Subject: How a teacher can engage the students in an activity
Reference No:- TGS01914207

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