How a group organizes itself will have an important impact


Problem 1

__________ people appear to behave as if they are continually asking themselves the Problem "What do I need to do to bring about the state of affairs I desire?"

A. Proactive

B. Intelligent

C. Emotional

D. Self-serving

Problem 2

__________ people express their needs and stand up for their own rights, but do so in ways that respect the rights of others.

A. Tall

B. Aggressive

C. Injured

D. Assertive

Problem 3

One reason why some people do not ________ themselves and, therefore, find it difficult to influence others is because they have a high need for approval and acceptance, and fear that if they stand up for their rights others might reject them.

A. clean

B. assert

C. check

D. listen

Problem 4

Another form of _________ involves the assertor becoming increasingly explicit about the nature of the change she is seeking to achieve.There is a body of opinion that suggests that the initial assertion message should not specify the desired change. For example, Bolton's When you... I feel... Because... formula does not present the other with a solution but leaves him free to offer one that satisfies both his and the assertor's needs.

A. promise

B. escalation

C. temptation

D. explanation

Problem 5

A person can increase her ability to influence others by paying ___________ to herself, to others, and the kind of relationship they have.

A. compliments

B. money

C. lip-service

D. attention

Problem 6

___________ not only involves thinking through what it is that the negotiator wants to achieve but also how she is going to achieve it.

A. Assertiveness

B. Preparation

C. Self-confidence

D. End-states

Problem 7

Morley (1984) suggests that one way to view negotiation is as a struggle. This approach emphasizes concealment and competitive tactics. An alternative view of negotiation is as ______________, a process in which parties make sacrifices rather than demand concessions in the pursuit of some overriding goal.

A. giving-in

B. collaboration

C. all-out-war

D. propitiating

Problem 8

In collaborative negotiations the most important stage tends to be __________...

A. climate-setting

B. the end-state

C. the struggle phase

D. after the end

Problem 9

___________ represent a special case of persuasive argument.The basis of this tactic is to focus attention on an unimportant issue, making the other party believe that it is critical, and then concede on this issue in order to divert attention away from what is really a much more important issue for you.

A. Last-ditch-efforts

B. Level three type

C. Hypocritcal forms

D. Feints

Problem 10

Concessions are most likely to be reciprocated when the negotiator offering the concession has a "_____" image. A _____ image is promoted by resisting the other party's threats and creating the impression that movement will not be achieved easily.

A. firm

B. aggresive

C. demanding

D. open

Problem 11

Groups provide an important context for work activity.Boards of directors, management committees, planning groups, project teams, task forces, quality circles, safety committees and autonomous work groups are but a few of the many different kinds of group within which organizational members have to work. Handy (1985) estimates that, on average, managers spend ____ per cent of their working day in one sort of group or another and senior managers can spend ____ per cent.

A. 75% 90%

B. 50% 80%

C. 20% 30%

D. 90% 50%

Problem 12

One of the most widely discussed problems associated with group decision-making has been described by Janis (1982) as "____________". ___________ occurs when the pressure to reach a consensus interferes with critical thinking, thus inhibiting the appraisal of possible alternatives.

A. Social loafing

B. Groupthink

C. Peer pressure

D. Appraisal myopathy

Problem 13

Chapple (1940) believed that the most important characteristic of an individual?s interaction could be measured along a dimension of action? silence. Using a machine that he called an _______________ __________, he conducted many studies that were based largely on recordings of the frequency and duration of speeches and silences. Social scientists and trainers who have followed in Chapple?s footsteps have concentrated on observing only the pattern of interaction (for example, who communicates, how often, how long and with whom?) without any reference to the verbal or emotional content of the communication.

A. Monkey hand trap

B. Chapple monitor

C. interaction chronograph

D. interrogator analyzer

Problem 14

Research evidence suggests that "___ ___________" Research evidence suggests that "___ _____________" patterns are most likely to produce the best solution when the group is faced with a complex open-ended problem. All channel interaction patterns may also be more appropriate in those circumstances where it is necessary for the group to reach a consensus.

A. sports minded

B. radical inclined

C. all channel

D. brief overview

Problem 15

The __________ member is less likely than the non-__________ member to engage in evaluative or critical behaviour or to propose initiatives that are out of line with group thinking.

A. conforming

B. participating

C. assertive

D. aware

Problem 16

How a group organizes itself will have an important impact on how successful it will be in completing its task. Hackman (1987)argues that one of the key factors that will increase the likelihood of a group employing a task-appropriate performance strategy is the existence of a _____ ____, which supports explicitly an assessment of alternative ways of proceeding with the task.

A. shared office

B. group norm

C. designated leader

D. secret protractor

Problem 17

Harvey (1974) has identified a related process (to groupthink), which he has labelled the __________ paradox. This concerns the group?s inability to manage agreement. He points to the tendency for some groups to take action that is in contradiction to the desires of all of its members. The underlying dynamics of the paradox appear to be that while, individually, group members know what needs to be done to solve the problem, they are reluctant to take whatever action is required. This reluctance stems from the fear that their action will be disapproved of by others and that this disapproval will result in rejection. Consequently, each individual refrains from confronting others with their view of reality. It is each individual's failure to confront which results in the group's making decisions that nobody agrees with.

A. Texas

B. Groupacquired

C. Abilene

D. Pacification

Problem 18

A person's response to a social situation depends upon how she interprets what she sees. Her perception of others will influence how she behaves towards them. It will also influence her expectations about how they will behave towards her. The way a new employee behaves towards somebody she meets for the first time will depend upon whether this other person is perceived to be her boss, colleague or subordinate. The other's ____ will also influence how she expects them to behave towards her.

A. boss

B. race

C. choice

D. role

Problem 19

Transactional Analysis provides a useful model for understanding the nature of interpersonal relationships. It was pioneered by Eric Berne (1964, 1972) and offers a theory of personality and personal interaction. Personality is presented in terms of three ego states: _______, _______, and _______

A. Parent, Adult, and Child

B. Ego, Id, and Super-Ego

C. Past, Present, and Future

D. Normal, Abnormal, and Realistic

Problem 20

Schutz (1958) advanced the notion of three basic interpersonal needs: ____________, control and affection. ____________ refers to the need to be with people and to be alone, to have enough contact to avoid loneliness and enough aloneness to avoid enmeshment and enjoy solitude. Control refers to decision-making processes between people and areas of power, influence and authority. It involves the need to achieve enough influence to be able to control important outcomes and to be able to relinquish enough control to be able to lean on others and allow them to take responsibility for outcomes. Affection refers to close personal emotional feelings such as love and hate. It involves the need to avoid being engulfed in emotional entanglements and the need to avoid having too little affection and a life without love and warmth.

A. assertiveness

B. avoidance

C. inclusion

D. happiness

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: How a group organizes itself will have an important impact
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