1. Paul and nine other students are taking a math class. He is worried about the content of the next quiz because he just can't solve those word problems. The teacher has said that the number of questions divided by the number of students = 2.8, and 14.3 % of the test is devoted to word problems.
How many word problems must Paul worry about?
If he misses all of the word problems, what will his % test grade be?
2. Line equations
Find the line through the following points. Write the answer in the slope/intercept form.
a. Use the m formula to find the slope,
b. and y = mx+b to find the line equation.
c. (1,2)(10,3)
In a paragraph summarize how your graph differs from the person who has the student number less than you, and the student who has the student number higher than you? Do not solve their equations, rather talk of intercepts and slopes.
3. Using Excel, graph the line below on the row corresponding to your student assignment number. Step one will be to change the given equation into a slope-intercept equation, i.e. and equation that begins y =
1. 3x+2y = 8
2. 4x+2y = 9,
3. 5x+2y = 10
4. 6x+2y = 8
5. 3x-2y = 8
6. 4x-2y = 8
7. 5x-2y = 10
8. 6x-2y = 12
9. 2x+4y = 8
10.4x-3y = 9
11.4x-2y = -8
12.5x+2y = 10
a. Use Excel to create a spreadsheet for the graph values. Use as x values; -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4 in column A.
b. A second part is to change the given equation into equations that Excel or other spreadsheet programs can read in the formula line. Place this equation in the top cell of column B. Follow the directions on the Excel note (sheet 1) in the course materials mailbox.
c. Now create the line graph.
Choose the "x-y scatter" type.
4.Weekly Grading Spreadsheet Problem
1. C9,C10
2. F8,F9,F10
3. O9,C10
4. L9,L10
5. I9,I10
6. L9,L10
7. P9,P10
8. P11,U5
9. T7,T8