
House2home franchise application database system you are



House2Home Franchise Application Database System

House2Home is a retail chain that operates throughout Australia and some foreign countries. Their main business revenue is generated from selling computers, home electronics and furniture. Originally, the central operational team manages all of the House2Home retail shops. However, due to the business changes, the company increasingly franchise out their departments to different franchisee teams. So far, the franchise application process has been handled using a paper based system. With the continuous growth of the retail chain, House2Home wants to automate the application and selection process in Australia. For the automated web-based system to work, they need an underlying database that can cater for the relevant data. They have asked for a solution that will work best to support their business process, which is described below.

The company has many stores spread across Australia. To keep track of each store, the company wants to store information such as unique store identification number, store address (including street & number, suburb, postcode and state), weekdays operating hours and weekend operating hours.


You are required to develop an EER model for the above problem description. The EER should contain all necessary information such as entities, attributes, primary keys, relationships (including specialization/generalization if any), cardinalities, and participation (including (min, max)). All specialization/generalization and union type must be represented accordingly, instead being treated as simple association relationships. Any assumptions should also be stated clearly. If assumptions are made, it is important to make sure that the assumptions reflect possible real practice for a particular industry and do not contradict with the problem description above. Assignment should be typed, not written/drawn by hand. Use any software to draw figures in your assignment.


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Computer Engineering: House2home franchise application database system you are
Reference No:- TGS02722019

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