Hostile work environment includes in hansen v dean witter

1.  Hostile work environment includes:
a. sexual touching
b. sexual jokes
c. language including "babe" and "honey"
d. both a and b
2.  In Hansen v. Dean Witter, Hansen:
a. participated in the party she later claimed was hostile
b. the party would be considered hostile to a reasonable person
c. did not file a complaint forthwith
d. all of the above
3.  Which of the following terms could be considered sexual harassment?
a. bitch
b. ass
c. whose
d. both a and c.
4.  Religion can be a BFOQ.
a. true
b. false
5.  Which of the following permits employers to discriminate in some cases?
a. 1st Amendment
b. Civil Rights Act
c. Freedom of Religion Act
d. All the above
6.  The following can be prohibited from the workplace:
a. religious buttons
b. religious speech and literature
c. religious statues
d. all of the above.
7.  The conduct complained of in a sexual harassment case must be:
a. severe
b. pervasive
c. uninvited
d. all of the above
8.  In chambers v. Omaha Girls Club, Chamber's termination because she was single and pregnant was:
a. permissible under the at-will doctrine
b. a BFOQ
c. pregnancy discrimination
d. both a and b
9.  In UAW v. Johnson Controls, Johnson Controls:
a. must allow women to work in the lead exposed environment
b. could be liable for employees' children born with birth defects
c. are not liable if the employees sign an informed disclaimer
d. both a and b
10.  Being less than six months pregnant can be considered a BFOQ in:
a. jobs requiring heavy lifting
b. flight attendants
c. aerobic instructors
d. all of the above
11.  In Daniels v. City of Arlington, TX, the wearing of a gold cross pin was permissible.
a. true
b. false
12.  In Vetter v. Farmland Industries, Vetter's desire to live in an active religious community presented an undue hardship to his employer.
a. true
b. false
13.  The KKK is both a political and a religious organization.
a. true
b. false
14.  Homosexuals who insist on wearing political buttons in the workplace advocating homosexual rights may be discharged.
a. true
b. false
15.  Sex corrective surgery is protected under the Civil Rights Act.
      a.  true
      b.  false
16.  The first state court to consider the issue of same sex marriages was:
a. Vermont
b. Massachusetts
c. California
d. Hawaii
17.  Homosexuals may be employed in:
a. the military
b. public schools
c. day care centers
d. all of the above
18.  The following are protected under Title VII:
a. sex change surgery
b. transsexuals
c. homosexuals
d. none of the above
19.  In Bahadirli v. Domino's Pizza, Domino's was responsible for the discriminatory acts of its franchise.
a. true
b. false
20.  The IRCA applies to foreign companies who employ people in the U.S.
a. true 
b. false
21.  A retiree cannot return to work while continuing to receive his or her pension.
a. true
b. false
22.  The Sherman Act guaranteed the right of workers to organize unions.
a. true
b. false
23.  The Pullman Act reduced the use of injunctions in labor disputes.
a. true
b. false
24.  A negotiation process undertaken by a union with management to resolve labor issues is:
a. a yellow dog contract
b. an injunction
c. illegal
d. collective bargaining
25.  The following are covered under IRCA:
a. Americans working aboard
b. American working in the U.S. for foreign companies
c. Resident aliens who work for foreign companies in the U.S.
d. Both b and c.
26.  Age discrimination requires the employee was:
a. qualified
b. terminated
c. a member of a protected class
d. all of the above
27.  Damages for age discrimination include:
a. mental anguish over being terminated
b. pension contributions
c. reinstatement
d. all of the above
28.  Categories of disabilities include:
a. sensory
b. mental
c. chemical dependency
d. all of the above
29.  Which of the following prohibited non-union membership as a condition to employment?
a. Sherman Act
b. Railway Labor Act
c. Norris LaGuardia Act
d. Wagner Act
30.  The following Act insured the right of workers to form unions:
a. Sherman Act
b. Clayton Act
d. Railway Labor Act

1. Hostile work environment includes:
sexual touching
sexual jokes
language including â??babeâ? and â??honeyâ?
both a and b
2. In Hansen v. Dean Witter, Hansen:
participated in the party she later claimed was hostile
the party would be considered hostile to a reasonable person
did not file a complaint forthwith
all of the above
3. Which of the following terms could be considered sexual harassment?
both a and c.
4. Religion can be a BFOQ.
5. Which of the following permits employers to discriminate in some
1st Amendment
Civil Rights Act
Freedom of Religion Act
All the above
6. The following can be prohibited from the workplace:
religious buttons
religious speech and literature
religious statues
all of the above.
7. The conduct complained of in a sexual harassment case must be:
all of the above
8. In chambers v. Omaha Girls Club, Chamberâ??s termination because she
was single and pregnant was:
permissible under the at-will doctrine
pregnancy discrimination
both a and b
9. In UAW v. Johnson Controls, Johnson Controls:
must allow women to work in the lead exposed environment
could be liable for employeesâ?? children born with birth defects
are not liable if the employees sign an informed disclaimer
both a and b
10. Being less than six months pregnant can be considered a BFOQ in:
jobs requiring heavy lifting
flight attendants
aerobic instructors
all of the above
11. In Daniels v. City of Arlington, TX, the wearing of a gold cross
pin was permissible.
12. In Vetter v. Farmland Industries, Vetterâ??s desire to live in an
active religious community presented an undue hardship to his employer.
13. The KKK is both a political and a religious organization.
14. Homosexuals who insist on wearing political buttons in the
workplace advocating homosexual rights may be discharged.
15. Sex corrective surgery is protected under the Civil Rights Act.
a. true
b. false
16. The first state court to consider the issue of same sex marriages
17. Homosexuals may be employed in:
the military
public schools
day care centers
all of the above
18. The following are protected under Title VII:
sex change surgery
none of the above
19. In Bahadirli v. Dominoâ??s Pizza, Dominoâ??s was responsible for
the discriminatory acts of its franchise.
20. The IRCA applies to foreign companies who employ people in the U.S.
21. A retiree cannot return to work while continuing to receive his or
her pension.
22. The Sherman Act guaranteed the right of workers to organize unions.
23. The Pullman Act reduced the use of injunctions in labor disputes.
24. A negotiation process undertaken by a union with management to
resolve labor issues is:
a yellow dog contract
an injunction
collective bargaining
25. The following are covered under IRCA:
Americans working aboard
American working in the U.S. for foreign companies
Resident aliens who work for foreign companies in the U.S.
Both b and c.
26. Age discrimination requires the employee was:
a member of a protected class
all of the above
27. Damages for age discrimination include:
mental anguish over being terminated
pension contributions
all of the above
28. Categories of disabilities include:
chemical dependency
all of the above
29. Which of the following prohibited non-union membership as a
condition to employment?
Sherman Act
Railway Labor Act
Norris LaGuardia Act
Wagner Act
30. The following Act insured the right of workers to form unions:
Sherman Act
Clayton Act
Railway Labor Act

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